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All Content by lolita_666

  1. what to do if I did not see the order

    Hey all : I am an EMS nurse ... was endorsed a patient from the clinic with an aspirin tab in the orders My charge nurse was endorsed he told me nothing for the patient just vital signs until she's admitted , pt was okay ... stable vs co numbness fo...
  2. what to do if I did not see the order

    but the charge nurse went sayng attend other patientes nothing for this one ... tomorrow is a meeting day with supervisor and charge nurse should I mention he said that ?!
  3. what to do if I did not see the order

    you are right ...
  4. Saudi Arabia - Good Idea or Not

    iTS goin 2 be my first comment hopefully noT the last one ... well well ..whatever u said about the hospitals in saudi arabia and dealing with the royal family things are true ...except whatever u said about islam ,,,iam jordanian * middle east* and ...