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All Content by Sandman09

  1. TCU or U Penn?

    As far as these two go they are both great choices. I know and have worked with many TCU grads and they have all been great. As far as recognition goes where do you plan on practicing? Like someone said a school carries the most weight the closer you...
  2. trauma icu or msicu

    At a level 1 either is probably great. The biggies are being comfortable with the things you will be using as a CRNA. 1. Vents-will you have a lot of them, will you be involved with them or the RT do everything. Are the RT's good and teach you? 2. Dr...
  3. Married and away from family while in school??

    Texas Wesleyan is in Fort Worth and they do have some clinical spots in Colorado. The site is and select the graduate program of nurse anesthesia. Check out the page or call them if you have any questions. Being away from family sucks but i...