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  1. Taking a few months off for baby after nursing school?

    I had a classmate who delivered right at the end of a semester, which was the winter one, and that enabled her to take a lot of time off over the summer before hitting the books again in the fall....
  2. Mandatory Influenza Vaccine

    My employers force their staff to get the flu vaccination. You can decline if you have a valid documented reaction or some religious reason, but you have to wear a mask October through March. You...
  3. BSN...Help!

    I didn't even realize that you could start BSN classes before you complete an Associate's program. That is quite a load! Are you just taking classes or are you actually in a Bachelor's program? I...
  4. How many patients do student nurses have?

    Are you a nurse assistant? Where I live techs are usually nursing students working as nurse assistants. I can't imagine working as a nurse assistant and having 20 pts on a med surge floor, that is...
  5. RN to BSN in Michigan?

    I don't think you do any prereqs for a bridge program, you just pick one that suits your style (some have clinicals, some are all writing papers and taking tests). I think most people pick a...
  6. Not a pt comment, but the mother of one of my post partum pts asked me if it takes a few days for the baby to open its eyes . This lady had presumably given birth to the pt,
  7. Pregnant in nursing school.

    We had a pregnant classmate in my nursing program. It was her third kid. She was due right at the end of our OB rotation, so she picked a clinical site that was the hospital she was planning to...
  8. Go to the least expensive one closest to where you want to work. Don't take on too much
  9. Older Student, Unprofessional Nurse During Clinical

    If you are being a nutty, unreasonable, horrible patient you may find me talking about you to my colleagues. I am not one to use foul or inappropriate language, though. I only work with maybe one or...
  10. The detail I missed that set my day on the wrong foot

    I've never done that, but whenever I have bad dreams about work I am not dressed right and have flip flops or some other bizarre thing going on with my wardrobe. I have shown up missing an earring a...
  11. What do you do with your wedding ring?

    I don't wear mine. I am actually shocked at how many of my coworkers do wear their big fancy wedding sets to
  12. Weird time-clock rules at work

    Where I work you can clock in 12 minutes early, but you won't get any extra pay for that, it just ensures we all clock in on time. We can clock out 12 minutes early if have given report on all our...
  13. So you are working three twelve hr shifts in a position that isn't RN? I first read it thinking you were RN bridging to BSN. How long is your BSN program? Is it 4 years? Is it accelerated? There...
  14. A and P over Summer?

    I would not want to take on A&P with any other classes so my vote would be to take it over the summer so that is your only focus. It is a very tough class that I know many people struggle with...
  15. Non-nursing first job?

    I guess I am confused, when I first read your post I thought you were asking about taking a RN job that wasn't patient care. If you mean getting a first job that isn't as a nurse at all, what was the...