has 6 years experience and specializes in CNA.
Im a 24 yr old newlywed, Ive been married for a lil over a yr now. I am in love with a man named Jesus Christ and he does more for me than anyone can ever do on this earth, he sent me a wonderful angel to be a helpmate to and thats my husband!
I read in one of these forums that any military would not accept anyone with an LPN, but then i had a chance to speak with a Navy recruiter face to face on accident and he said that they would accept...
I could go to the NCP while working as an LPN in the Navy or before? Also, what if i just continue to work as an LPN without trying to be an officer? Thanks for
Ok this is my plan: My plan is to get my LPN and then go to the Navy for nursing? Can this be done or am i missin something? What will i need to do after i get my LPN if i want to be a nurse in the...
I love that response that you gave her, whatever it is that you and your wife are doin, I want to do that too! Really Im serious! You put it in the best words and the travelin as well as deployment is...
I do apologize for not bein more specific about the question, but i meant am i too late for the Navy? I know its never too late for school but its the Navy that im concerned about because after...
Im 24 and ive been married for a lil over a yr now, and i just want to know is it too late for me to even get started or should i just not even think about it? This is where my heart is at and my...
THATS RIGHT!! Can you say conceited!?! i knew you could!!! Anyways, Thank you so much for everyones words and advice, i appreciate it so much, especially DanznRN and wanttobeanavynurse, you two make...
I have done hours and hours, days and days of research on the Navy and bein a nurse in the Navy, but what i wanted to know is: What is the difference between NROTC, AROTC & Navy? What is the...
I have been wanting to go to the Navy for 5 yrs now and when i met my husband, i placed it on hold to go to school for nursing in RN as well as i didnt want to be separated from him. So now its been...