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About tammy07

tammy07 has 1 years experience and specializes in LTC.

Latest Activity

  1. PLEASE HELP~~~My Job took my license~~~

    In Tennessee you also get a wallet size and a larger one, its very convenient to have the smaller
  2. PLEASE HELP~~~My Job took my license~~~

    I wouldnt give it back...there is no reason for them to have your
  3. I just got suspended

    Good luck and no your not the only one who has signed for meds that were either d/c or not given I have seen a lot of nurses give meds and then sit down and go down the line signing the mar and I have...
  4. Excelsior Grads - Where are they now?

    did any of you do the workshop and if so was there a long waiting list..I am not sure what to do i am an lpn I got all my RN prerequs threw community college but I hate the idea of going back to the...
  5. Does being a CNA equal 1 year experiance for lpn?

    When you two graduate keep in touch and 3 months after she begins her nursing career ask her how she feels about it now...I promise the attitude will do a
  6. I agree with the others I have also vented in this forum but thats how I felt that day not everyday..being a nurse is
  7. insulin but no syringe

    Boy did I mess that up I meant High bs sorry not a trick question....feelin stupid
  8. insulin but no syringe

    This question was presented to me and I would like to get some feedback on it, If you have someone who has a low bs and needs to receive insulin but you do not have a needle would it be possible to...
  9. From vet tech to lpn

    I just left the animal world 2 years ago, I went to lpn school and I have been working in ltc for a year I miss the animals and I still try to do a little bit of that but the pay is a lot better in...
  10. new LVN at LTC

    Hang in there it will get better my first job after graduation was ltc and I was so overwhelmed felt like crying admiting defeat and moving on but one day you will go in and realize your done with...
  11. New LPN needs advice

    I was just wandering are you working yet and if so how is it
  12. Need help re: tb skin test

    Is that the only place you run into that because I have had several of them in the last 2years and they have never had me do that..thanks for your
  13. Need help re: tb skin test

    I have recently been told that there are 2 parts to the tb skin test (not the reading of it) Like you have to have the injection and then another injection and then a reading I have never heard of...
  14. Assisted Living

    Well heres it goes I LOVE IT...the staff is great the residents can talk to me I have half the residents I used to have and it has been a great experience I have worked for thursday and friday 13...
  15. Too many life changes at once...

    Hang in there you have a lot on your plate I will be praying for you and Im very sorry that during such a time when you should be walking on cloude nine you have this life changing event going on...by...