I am married with two children and have decided to change career paths. I have been a injury claim handler for 14 years. I have wanted to be a nurse for at least 10 years or more.
I start a one year long perioperative program at Reading Hospital tomorrow. I graduated from school last December (2011) and worked LTC for six months before I got the position at Reading. Keep...
I am getting excited. I am starting a one year long peri-operative training program at a level 2 trauma center on Sept. 10th. The first 10 weeks are classroom with lab. It's a class of 10 students...
My family lived in Athens for a number of years....you should think about Northeast Georgia Health system in Gainesville it is not very far. Just out Rt. 129 and they have made that road dual lane so...
I had twenty years in my prior field as an injury claim adjuster/manager/nationwide trainer...you name it I did it and I made really good money. Didn't work nights or weekends or Holidays. I hated...
Intense....its the best way to describe it....no make that emotional....no make that amazing....than again a little scary....than again a lot of work. It's actually all of these things and more. I...
I don't want to fail by any means. I have a prior 4 year degree....a B.A. and lots of business experience. I gave up a job making more money than I will as an R.N. because I want it.....I want it...
It is definitely a different way of thinking. I have a good friend who is a CNA and has been for 12 years and is truly struggling with the test but is amazing in
I have been in claims (liability bodily injury) for 17 years and I am now in nursing clinicals. My suggestion is if you know anyone that does Insurance claims getting contact with them. We used...
Its applied....so no like A&P which is memory based. Honestly I am struggling this second semester of clincials but now that I am at the final and had clinical experience I "GET IT" more than in...
You may want to consider Grandview which is in Buck's county....a little south of Allentown. Small community hospital but awesome! They have L&D as well as
You should look at Lehigh Valley Medical Center as they are a level 1 trauma center located in Allentown which is about 20 minutes from Quakertown. The plus is no city wage tax like Philly and...
Do you know anyone in claims? My background is claims before nursing and we used nurse reviewers all the time. Its a really nice way to make some extra money. You do not need to travel. The files...
The "Group Dynamics Stuff" is part of nursing school. Its not enough just to do well on your exams......you need to do well in the group setting too. When you are working in the acute care setting...