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All Content by margaretofcastello

  1. There's a Mousetrap In My Med Cart

    I just started a job at a LTC facility. My last night of orientation ended up being my first night on the floor, because the nurse didn't show up. This article expresses exactly how I felt. Another nurse had to do my treatments and charting because a...
  2. First Night Duty in Labor Room

    I too am jealous. Congratulations! You did an awesome job!
  3. math test, everyone failed

    Yesterday our class took a math test (dosage calculations) that we are supposed to pass in order to graduate in four weeks. No one passed. There were things on the test that we never saw before. I don't know why we were not prepared for this, and why...
  4. math test, everyone failed

    Thank you, everyone, for your good input. We took a test in our first semester, and the teacher we had at the time prepared us well for it. Most of us passed on the first try, no problem. This test seemed to have content on it that is more for RNs th...
  5. need help with Nsg diagnosis

    I have a new patient. He had a stroke in 2005 and has had convulsions since then. His right leg was amputated below the knee in 2006. I had trouble today assessing PERRLA because he doesn't open his eyes very much at all. He has tingling in his left ...