to all concerend: I am the ONLY one of the people from my graduating class so far that had gone to 265 questions. I was distraught beyond belief. I did check today and the results are out, and i did...
its 5am and im wide awake, i cant sleep. the waiting is horrible. its absolutely horrible. im sick to my stomach.....i cant tell any of my friends, im too embarrassed. my friends and family cant...
thanks everybody. the waiting is very difficult on everyone , i kmow. I will be so dissappointed if I fail. I dont know what i'll do. Good luck everyone it helps to know im not the only one in...
i am so distraught. all my friends got the 75 questions version and they have passed. i am the only one that i know of that got all 265 questions... 5.5 hours ....i just know i didnt do well. it...