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About NancyB,LPN

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  1. LPN = Life's Perfect Nurses

    I wish my director would feel the same. I'm an LPN with a hospital based home services/hospice. My director a BSN and 10 cent millionaire, refers to the RN's as "NURSES" and then there are the LPNs....
  2. Do I have to go through The College Netowrk?

    If you're talking about the study at home home thing where you buy the books, don't bother unless you're highly motivated and can do the independent study on your own. I tried that, found out that,...
  3. Calling all IUPUC students

    I am doing my pre req's thru IUPUC and will be doing LPN to ASN there. After 17 years of being an LPN doing RN work and not getting the same pay, I figured I'd make my mother happy, along with my...
  4. Ethical problem

    Thank you for helping me out, I understand why I got pulled out, and I was too close to that fine line (that's my anybody I can) I will take some time, not speak of the matter for a...
  5. Ethical problem

    I am a Home services nurse, and I do Private Duty and hospice visits as well. My problem, without going into great detail, is that I have a private duty patient who's parents are going thru a custody...
  6. Anyone on or tried Lexapro?

    I started on Lexapro 10mg about a year ago. I, too started on a weekend so I could figure out how I would react to it. It makes me sleep, so I take it in the evening. It has done wonders for me! I...
  7. Typical Day For A Home Health Nurse | Life of a Nurse

    My sentiments are the same, once I am unable to care for myself, let me go. I was put on this good earth to care for others, not vice-versa. (although I do like the occasional pampering but let me...
  8. Typical Day For A Home Health Nurse | Life of a Nurse

    Hullo all... My days can get interesting, I do primarily private duty with visits lasting from 1 to 10 hours. One of my patients is an ALS patient who is on a ventilator and uses an in-exsufflator...