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About Shar81

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  1. Any new UNR Orvis Information?

    Good luck with your application. I felt the same way when I was in your shoes. The latest cut off is not 3.86. UNR actually changed the requirements so acceptance is not all GPA based anymore. What...
  2. TMCC Program

    Hi kjsquared, I noticed from the threads that you are enrolled at TMCC's nursing program. May i ask would you recommend the program to others ? Also, you said that alot of people in your class are...
  3. The people that don't yet have their positions, are they the ones that signed up with the hospital- Carondelet ? The one thing that i've read about the program that i like is that they make sure...
  4. Azdesertflower, which was the best choice of all the sponsoring hopsitals (the ones that kept their end of the contract and hired the students ?) Did u get to pick where you wanted to work ? Do you...
  5. So i just called the school and was told the MS program just prepares you to be a nurse generalist (an R.N) not a nurse practioner.They do however have programs for that after one becomes an RN. They...
  6. Katie, if i were you i would request a forbearance on my loans untill i could register for the next term thus there would be no need to pay them off. If not i would take non nursing classes instead....
  7. Nevada State College

    Gtterbug, Thanks for the info. I've become ireally interested in the part time track for spring 2011 since i have two little boys and thus would not be able to do the full time. Do you know if the...
  8. TMCC Program

    I did not end up applying since i decided not to take A&P 2 this semester but rather this Spring. I dont regret my decision because i'm hoping to apply to another accelrated program in the summer...
  9. moving to Reno, any advice

    From what i hear, Renown is pretty short staffed on nurses. You may wanna try them. Good luck
  10. Nevada State College

    Did you notice that they are now offering a part time nursing program ? It just takes longer than the other two programs. Does anyone have experience with the accelerated program ? I will be applying...
  11. Can anyone share what the name of the Microbiology text is ? I need to get a used one online. I am hoping to register for the class today. I'm really hoping to get an A since the nursing program i'd...
  12. TMCC Program

    Does anyone know how soon will students receive a reponse if applying to the Fast track program this coming
  13. Touro's Entry Level Masters Program ?

    Hi Clam27, yes i did get a hold of Admissions after numerous attempts. Unfortunatley they are no longer offering the entry level Masters Program. They didn't give me any reason as to why but its no...
  14. Apollo College questions

    Hi Taren Koren, Welcome to the allnurses. Well, classes at Apollo will begin August 31st. Clinicals will be held at Renown in Reno. There are three classes starting, 1st, 2nd and 3rd sessions (i was...
  15. Moving To Northern Nevada

    If anyone is interested in the information that i've found PM me and i'll be happy to