Daly City RN

Daly City RN

Neuro-Surgery, Med-Surg, Home Health

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About Daly City RN

Daly City RN has 38 years experience and specializes in Neuro-Surgery, Med-Surg, Home Health.

Latest Activity

  1. Question for you retired RNs

    I was in my early 50’s when I retired from my acute care hospital job after working for the same hospital for over 27 years. I got bored after 5 months in retirement, I did not expect that! Don’t...
  2. New RN

    @clrza, Needless to say that one's fluency in the English language, in addition to one's good educational background, verifiable nursing job experience and high competency in the field of Nursing will...
  3. Just Curious... Retirement

    I "retired" from my stressful acute care hospital job at age 52 y.o. a little over eight years ago. I used to work for a very busy county-owned trauma hospital here in Northern California where I...
  4. Best MD note

    A medical intern from England studying in California wrote an order "Take patient to the theater at 7:00am tomorrow morning." We were perplexed, "to the 'theater'?" therefore we called him clarify...
  5. Retirement benefits, lack of

    I worked for a large medical center owned by a county in California. The RN's salary when I started in the early 1980's was not great but over the years RNs started earning well over 100K per year in...
  6. Filipino Nurses, how are you?

    This is my first posting for quite sometime. I have been an RN over here in California pretty close to 35 years now. I graduated nursing in the Philippines when most of the posters here weren't even...
  7. 21 Things you never mention at a hospital job interview

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> New grad nurse: "If you hire me I expect a starting salary of no lower than $100,000 a year." Nurse...
  8. Retire in the Philippines...

    I am a Filipino American registered nurse who have "retired" from my acute care hospital nursing job a little over five years ago after working for over 27 years in a large trauma center in Northern...
  9. Will taking time off harm my career?

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Many posters here are saying your...
  10. American RN wants work in PH

    "Is it hopeless?" Pretty much. This is the sad truth. I have been working in California as an RN for over 30 years now but I was educated in the Philippines in the 1970's. I have had a few contacts...
  11. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will try to be diplomatic but you can read between...
  12. Nurse from USA interested in working in The Philippines

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Were you born in the Philippines or in the U.S.? If you have been in the U.S. since birth or if...
  13. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm saying this in all seriousness... I started my...
  14. Nursing Shortage Over in U.S.

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The nursing agency I work for as a nursing supervisor only hire...
  15. Counted as "work experience"/ "nursing experience"?

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Year 2000 there was a "severe" shortage of experienced RNs here in...