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All Content by the_healer

  1. Nurse Mate Shoes 1st year RN student 2009

    You might want to check out Nike's website. You can custome order shoes from there website. I'm was just looking at pair of Jordan Team Elite low top basketball shoes that are pretty much white on...
  2. Hi everyone, I'm in the night/weekand program at JSCC (first semester) and it seems to me depending on the availibility/location of staff/faculty will depend on where classes and clinicals will be...
  3. If You Were At Jeff St Orientation Tonight...

    I like Gateway also. My desktop is a Gateway and its been great. I know everyone has a story but all the Dell's I've had experiences with and others I know that have had a Dell have had all kinds of...
  4. If You Were At Jeff St Orientation Tonight...

    Where are you hoping for our classes to be held...the main or shelby
  5. If You Were At Jeff St Orientation Tonight...

    I'm debating on getting a laptop or a pda not sure which yet. Everything is so freaking expensive. Where did you get your laptop
  6. If You Were At Jeff St Orientation Tonight...

    I think that the reason things were kind of vague is because they want to get an idea as to where the majority of the class lives in relation to the campuses to decide where the classes will be held...
  7. Congrats to everyone who made it. I got accepted into the St. Vincents part-time progam. I guess I'll be seeing everyone on the 15th then. I'm lookiing forward to getting
  8. The last I checked at the bookstore on the shelby campus they were out of the Med. Term. Text. and they run about $70. I have not had the chance to check other
  9. my guess is that they will weed people out by
  10. Microbiology-Spring 2008

    Hope your test went well. I have a cpl coming up
  11. wow, just two weeks before classes start. i was told that once accepted there would be some type of orientation class to inform you of what type of supplies/equipment that will be needed for the...
  12. I understand completely. I am in the same boat. I work full-time, have a family, and already have a bachelors degree. I am currently taking Microbiology this summer and once I get into the program all...
  13. Microbiology-Spring 2008

    Thanks, I went ahead and bought the Vangonotes since it wasn't that expensive. I haven't had a chance to listen to them yet but I'm sure I'll get plenty of use from them. Thanks again for you
  14. Are you stressing out already? How many pts do you have? I hope to get in this fall also for the part-time program. I'm guessing we won't find out about acceptance until around the end of June or...
  15. Microbiology-Spring 2008

    Hi everyone, I just jumped on this thread and would like to say congrats to everyone that passed micro. I've just completed my first week of Micro. I hope to be accepted into a ADRN program for the...
  16. Good luck:up: Have you already applied to the program
  17. Thanks for the advice. Cpl questions.....I was curious...when do you graduate and does your class ever get together for study sessions outside of
  18. The way gas keeps going up you better get your vacations in soon. I have all my prereqs, and programm classes completed other than the nursing classes and micro. Once I get micro out completed for...
  19. Hi Magnolia, I am in the same boat and would like to hear more about this investigation. I will hopefully be starting the part time program fall 08. Just waiting to find out if I've been accepted. I...
  20. New Graduates salary in Alabama

    CardioTrans, thanks for the info. I still have a sometime untill I get to that point. I want to know what all my options are in the future. There are a few different areas of nursing that i'm...
  21. New Graduates salary in Alabama

    Hi CardioTrans, Are the internships at UAB paid or unpaid? and if they are paid do you know what the pay rate is? What other info can you tell me about the internships at UAB?
  22. Hi Indieflower, I was wonderinging if you have switched to the part-time program at Jeff State or not? I am trying to get into that program myself and was hoping to get some feedback from someone...
  23. how's it going everyone out there? I was wondering if there is anyone out there that is trying to get into or has already been excepted into the Night/Weekand Program at Jeff State. I've read some...
  24. Introductions...........

    Hello everyone, I just joined allnurses and this seems like a pretty cool site to get great info, advice, and even do some venting. I'm am currently looking to into Jeff States nusing program. I have...