

Critical Care, Cardiac Telemetry, IVR

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About ditacy81

ditacy81 specializes in Critical Care, Cardiac Telemetry, IVR.

Grateful to be doing what I love in Miami!

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  1. I know of the career fair too! Are you going?! I spoke to a recruiter at broward health and he told me it's the largest fair they have in s. florida every year. He also said that they may look for...
  2. Ok, I'm sure you've heard this plenty of times....but I can't obtain a job as a new graduate. I tested and passed my boards since July 29. I am so frustrated and disheartened by this experience. All I...
  3. Ok, I'm sure you've heard this plenty of times....but I can't obtain a job as a new graduate. I tested and passed my boards since July 29. I am so frustrated and disheartened by the experience. All I...
  4. Testing for NCLEX next week.

    I'm in the same boat as you and i take mine on the 28th.
  5. Hey!! I am graduating in May from an accelerated program in St. Louis. I'm from Florida so now I have to hurry up to get these CEUs in to count for the NCLEX exam. I think you should take it in...
  6. St Louis University

    I'm currently in their program. If you have any questions, just shoot!
  7. Question Concerning MDC AO GPA

    don't quote me on this one....but awhile back i was taking a prereq class to get into another school's AO program. I asked the professor of that class what is the GPA requirements for MDC AO, he...
  8. Missouri Nursing Programs

    I don't know if you prefer the eastern part of the state, but I'm enrolled at SLU's Accelerated nursing program. I can answer any questions that you may
  9. UMSL Accelerated/Traditional BSN programs for 2008

    Amber, I totally agree with you!! I felt like this was hell week. I woke up this morning feeling literally sick. Now all the assignments that are due next week is another hill to cross. I sit...
  10. UMSL Accelerated/Traditional BSN programs for 2008

    really?! Maybe we have! Where do you sit in the "infamous" class? How do you think of the programs, thus
  11. UMSL Accelerated/Traditional BSN programs for 2008

    Guess what!! I started the Accelerated at SLU this past TUES. Man is it ALOT of
  12. MHS Scholarship

    Do you know if the scholarship will cover an out of state nursing school? I wouldn't mind applying and i've heard that MHS is a great hospital to work for.
  13. For Everyone Starting Nursing School in May of '08!

    Thanks so much!! Hopefully, we'll meet! Right now, I'm in a race trying to find housing but it's all good. Loans is how i'm financing, ALL, loans. Sad but true. Can't wait to start
  14. For Everyone Starting Nursing School in May of '08!

    WOW, so many people going to start in May '08 Well....I will too!!:w00t: I couldn't be more excited, especially after being out of school for 3 years now. I thought I was having a brain drain or...
  15. Apartment hunting in St Louis area

    The Creamery is going to be an Apartment residence that is located down the street from the medical campus. I've been searching online and it's part of a group of apt residences that are owned by...