

Long term care

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About rukiddingme

rukiddingme has 14 years experience and specializes in Long term care.

Happily married

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  1. MDS 3.0 Data Collection Tool?

    name:_____________________________________ ard:________ 7 back:________ 14 back:________ lastmds ard/type:__________________________ bims:________/________ mood:________/________...
  2. MDS coordinator position

    I agree with the previous post. MDS nurses often do other duties such as infection control, skins, etc. Be sure to ask plenty of questions if they allow you to 'shadow' her. Depending on what...
  3. participation in activities

    Sounds like your Activity Director needs someone to come in and give him/her some fresh, new, innovative ideas for these people. We have a monthly 'auction' that the resident participate in, using...
  4. can my DON force me to work the floor?

    This type of scenario also happened to me in a prior position. They stated I needed to be in the on call rotation, and that it was part of my new job description. I refused, and they said that if I...
  5. Any ideas for effective ADL training?

    Our restorative nurse recently did an interactive inservice - using an empty private room, and did 'mock' transfers, etc -- and explained how to code for the specific procedure done. Seemed to make...
  6. From what I understand: In order to have electronic records ONLY, you're software must be set-up for electronic signatures, so each team member can 'electronically sign' for each MDS you complete....
  7. BIMS and PHQ-9 completion dates

    The MDS 3.0 Track Changes are the changes made to the manual after the manual was completed. You can find the full RAI manual - including the Track Changes on the CMS website, just search the CMS...
  8. BIMS and PHQ-9 completion dates

    The BIMs interview has to be done within the 7 day lookback period. The PHQ-9 should be done the day prior to the ARD, or on the ARD. (this info can be found in the MDS 3.0 Track Changes for the RAI...
  9. workload-am i too slow

    We have 90+ census, and we basically split these, so we both have long term and medicare residents. And we try to keep it as equal as possible, but we don't get crazy counting each one. We both...
  10. workload-am i too slow

    No current openings, sorry. But I'd be willing to let the other one go for someone easier to work with. My facility: current census, 95. PPS residents, 7. MDS staff: 2 fulltime. We do not work...
  11. workload-am i too slow

    How can you be doing all that, and getting quality information for facility $reimbursement$ -- which should be the #1 purpose of your
  12. School nurse position @ my children's school

    Went for interview for the position. The Super/Principal asked me questions, the lady currently in the position was present and talked about her duties. When they got done, he started to give me the...
  13. Having hard time coding Section G

    We always take therapy info/participation into consideration - especially for
  14. School nurse position @ my children's school

    My daughter (age 11) says, "Mom, you know the nurse also works in the office and helps with the library books". Which sounds pretty strange to me. Maybe because it's such a small school, she has to...
  15. I'll keep my fingers crossed for all of us dealing with the 3.0 every day. It would be wonderful to have CMS change the discharge assessment process and reduce the interview needs for Medicare...