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About PeggyCA10RN

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  1. Do you have a baby nurse at delivery?

    YES, we always have a Nursery nurse at EVERY delivery and a PEDI if it is Thick Mec or some other medical reason to have one present, i.e. Vaccume delivery, IT IS THE STANDARD OF PRACTICE for the last...
  2. Anyone Certified As An Epic Analyst?

    I have a Question....HOW DOES a nurse that is interested in IS get trained and certified, say in Epic. Our hospital bought it and we are using it in the clinic totally with no paper charting anymore....
  3. L&D Orientation......

    I think everywhere is different, at our hospital we give 10 days of classroom and then 6 weeks with a preceptor. Usually 4 weeks on days and then two more weeks on whatever shift your going to be...