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  1. rn pay in nyc

    the post was more than i expected. i currently make 30.00 per hour base pay without the hospital's benefits. the salaries may be around the same for me between carolina and nyc, only with
  2. rn pay in nyc

    thanks for the very informative post -jt. it was truly more than i expected.
  3. rn pay in nyc

    hello, i am currently a rn in a level I/level II nursery in south carolina. i am relocating to nyc in may and i am wondering what is the base salary for rns with a couple years exp? also how are the...
  4. rn pay in nyc

    hello, i am currently a rn in a level I/level II nursery in south carolina. i am relocating to nyc in may and i am wondering what is the base salary for rns with a couple years exp? also how are the...
  5. Nurse

    hi brianna, it sounds as though you want to work in the newborn nursery or in labor and delivery. i currently work in the level 2 section of the newborn nursery and every once and a while i get to...
  6. hand written medication cards

    We were never required to hand write drug cards, but in the clinical area we had to have either our drug book or preprinted drug cards. Some instructors required you to know most of the info on the...