Hello...I am currently working 12 hour shifts 7pm to 0730 am. Although I love the time off, I personally feel that 12 hour shifts are unsafe... especially on nights. I think toward the end of the...
Hi, Worked for a home Hospice agency in Michigan until Feb. 1999. Was reimbursed 0.30 per mile and it was taxed. I was able to claim that at the end of the year. Also, my vehicle was a lease, so I was...
You may have nursing skills, but you have sure proven to me that your communication skills are seriously lacking. So far, you are the most ignorant nurse I have read a posting
I must not have posted my response to Anji clearly enough. I never meant to imply that she should "suck it up" if she felt an assignment to be unsafe. I simply stated that in many areas this is the...
Sorry to break it to you, but I have to agree with the last two posts. I am a fairly new ADN-RN grad who has LPN experience as well. And about every hospital in this nation is understaffed right now,...