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All Content by smellya

  1. 13 year Army Veteran wanting to be a nurse

    Welcome to allnurses. Its a wonderful thing to do. Figure out what you need to do to get started and go from there. I am going back to school to be a lvn right now since all the local RN programs have a 1-2 year waiting list. I was in the Navy as a H...
  2. OB Rotation is Hell

    Wow its been a pretty funny read. When I was a hospital corpsman in the navy. I was on comb ob, mother baby ward for around 3 years. I think the worst thing was helping a mom with breastfeeding with implants. Then her husband was like half a foot awa...
  3. Hey guys....How do you all support yourselves?

    I live off my family, bank account and unemployment . I was going to keep on working the weekends so I have some money and healthcare. 1st day of school I got laid off. :angryfire
  4. The Guys Club: Guy Students Come on In!

    Hello all. My name is Floyd. I am just about to finish my 1st quarter at unitek. I am working on becoming a LVN. I figured its better then waiting for a RN program. So I will do a bridge program after I am done with this. I am 1 of 5 guys in my class...