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About FL-Nurse

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  1. New Job starts next week!

    Yep, same thing here. Next week I have 4 days of hospital orientation. Then I go on the floor for 12 wks of orientation. It will actually be several weeks before I get to my unit...they have a 'new hire' floor that orients you for the first 6 wks. Sh...
  2. New Job starts next week!

    Hi, I graduated in Dec with my ADN-RN. I took boards middle of Feb and just accepted a position on Monday at the local hospital. I start orientation on monday which will last 12 wks. I am excited but nervous! I can only imagine how stressful it is go...
  3. Florida unofficial results

    Congrats! So happy to hear the GREAT news!!!!!!
  4. Florida unofficial results

    Did you get your results yet??? I took my test at 1pm on tuesday and my results popped up on the BON at exactly 8:30am on Thursday morning. Pearson results weren't available until several hours later at 1pm--exactly 48hrs after the test. My girlfrien...
  5. Florida unofficial results

    You will most likely show up on the BON on Tuesday morning. You can get it off Pearson Vue on Sunday after 8am though. Hopefully you have gotten your results already because it's 8:30! good luck
  6. Q for who people who practiced KAPAN ?s

    Kaplan is a great program, but it can be overwhelming because there is alot of info. This is how I approached my study using them. First I watched the content videos. While I watched/listened, I would have my book opened and followed along while high...
  7. OMG! I CANNOT believe it!

    I had 12 SATA...much too many!!!!!!!!
  8. OMG! I CANNOT believe it!

    Holy cow! I am in disbelief...I had filled out my re-take application and emailed my instructors that I was sure I failed it! I still cannot believe that in 75 questions (when only 60 count) that they can assess my knowledge base. When I took the LPN...
  9. I finally made it!!!!!

    Congrats! You earned it!
  10. end of NCLEX test...

    Yes, I had in the 70%'s on every section when I completed all the Qbank questions. I got 80's on both the diagnositc and readiness exam during the weeklong Kaplan review class. I got 73 on qtrainer 6 and 74 on qtrainer 7. I test well normally and I u...
  11. Nclex-rn Cut Off At 110 This A.m.:absolutely Sick!

    I think Kaplan is a great review. the questions are similar. And the strategies they give you are essential. My problem was staying calm enough to think clearly. I definitely recommend the program though. I just need to figure out a way to not freak ...
  12. Nclex-rn Cut Off At 110 This A.m.:absolutely Sick!

    I wish you both the best of luck! All I can say is rapid results aren't rapid enough! I am about 26hrs out from taking the exam and I haven't been able to eat, drink or sleep. My nerves are fried. I know I failed it and I am just in shock that I let ...
  13. Took NCLEX this morning...

    Crossing my fingers and toes for you!
  14. Waiting for your results come in here

    Laurakfels, I am so sorry to see you didn't pass. I am waiting for my results and am sure tomorrow I'll see FAIL listed as well. It's very discouraging and upsetting, but hopefully we can manage to take something positive away form this experience! I...
  15. Saunders Comprehensive Review 2007 Tech Support

    I don't have that exact CD, but I have the Saunders Q&A 3rd edition CD from the book. I went and checked it to see if it was compatible and on the front of the disk it says WIN/MAC so I am assuming this CD is. Maybe someone who had the CD you are...