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  1. I took my NclexRn today, sat through all 265 questions. I just tried the pvt and it said to contact my state board, so hopefully it is all good. I don't know how I passed,if I passed because I know...
  2. Our class had a fellow student suddenly pass away. We had a chair for her at graduation and as each one of us walked by, we placed a flower. Our administrator started her speech by telling who the...
  3. passed NCLEX - thoughts after exam

    :yeah:Congratulations!! I take my test in 2 weeks and very nervous about it. I've been using Kaplan 2010 and NCLEX 3500 daily. I agree about reading some of these posts giving me negative
  4. Advancing ADN to BSN

    Hi all, I am a current ADN student with exactly one year left. I plan to work after graduation to gain some experience, but would like to continue on to get my BSN and possibly MSN. I've noticed some...
  5. clinical paperwork

    :nuke: Thanks for your input. My pt was 85yrs F, and yes the left arm was fractured. This is a question we must answer on our self evals. every week. "Using current knowledge to discuss nursing...
  6. Hey y'all, I hope you can help me. Client's condition: left humeral shaft fracture, surgically repaired and client has 2+ edema of left arm. My question is nutrional/fluid needs, how is the need...