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About latlee2745

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  1. MCI Prerequisite Classes for RN program

    Tidewater community college or thomas nelson comm. college any community college near
  2. MCI Prerequisite Classes for RN program

    If you can help it, please try to get into TCC or TNCC it will save u a ton of $$$ and frustration. I am a graduate from the Jan 09 ADN class and I made it thru in the 15 month timeframe but many of...
  3. Just took nclex

    I found out on the 29th that I passed.. I started a new thread. but I wanted to let everyone know I passed. Thank God I
  4. Important Things to do to pass NCLEX

    Look over safety and infection control, prioritization and delegation questions. Most of my test came from those
  5. Try to be calm, I know that's hard but I just took my test on the 19th and I was scared to death. Fortunately, I found out 24 hrs later that I passed with 75 questions. I didn't feel like I could've...
  6. I passed the NCLEX

    I just found out I passed NCLEX!!!! I am so glad this is behind me, I could not sleep at all last night because I was trying to figure out how I was going to tell my family and friends that I did not...
  7. Just took nclex

    Hey everyone, I just took my NCLEX-RN. It stopped at 75. I was a nervous wreck the entire time. I don't know how I did. I felt like I didn't know half the material. I only had a few drugs, about 6...
  8. February 09 NCLEX Test Taker Support

    I will pray for you tonite, I am studying right now for my test on Thursday. Try to get some rest and be sure to post how you feel after the test. Be blessed. Try to get some rest. You have abig...
  9. My NCLEX Story

    Congratulations and what an inspiring story! Thank
  10. I passed!! I am an RN!!

    Thanks and CONGRATULATIONS! This website has been my
  11. I passed! And How I Did It!

    Congratulations and thanks for the tip! I will take my test on the
  12. i passed!!!!wooohoooooooooooo

    Congratulations! Good Job. What did you study with. I will be taking my test on the
  13. February 09 NCLEX Test Taker Support

    I'm not doing Kaplan either, only Saunder's and the 3500 questions;jsessionid=AFAE600ECF4D52259C4B13CB9F15610Bat occassionally.....
  14. Congratulations I have about 7 days til D-Day and I am sooooooooo
  15. Took NCLEX today.....265 Questions!

    All you can do is remain positive. I've read many posts on this site from people who took 265 q's and passed so I believe that you passed too... Be sure to let us all know when you get your license...