
featherzRN MSN

Outpatient/Clinic, ClinDoc

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About featherzRN

featherzRN has 30 years experience as a MSN and specializes in Outpatient/Clinic, ClinDoc.

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  1. No, mine is not a multi state license as I do not live there. Needed it for a remote job so it's just a single state.
  2. I just did this, and I got my endorsed license in four days - all the problems I expected didn't happen! ? I didn't read this first, unfortunately, as it seems going through 'fieldprint' could be...
  3. WGU MSN in Informatics

    I finished the program last year and was happy with the experience. My employer accepted without issue. That said, I work in Clinical Documentation and not in informatics by choice! :) WGU doesn't...
  4. Nursing certifications going away??

    I have certs that DO matter for my job - I work as a clinical documentation specialist and have two certs for that as well as a coding cert. Those I will keep for now. But certs I no longer use? Nah....
  5. Nursing certifications going away??

    My ANCC cert (amb care) appears to still be offered, but honestly I'm not planning to renew it when it's up next year. Work paid for the first one, but I've never seen a benefit for having it except...
  6. Rn to BSN

    You want a school that is regionally accredited. Some/most employers won't care, but I happened to have a job that did - so it's best to cover all bases. I went to WGU, but Capella is also regionally...
  7. Failed Accelerated BSN program

    OP keep going and take that opportunity. It reminds me of when I was 21 and signed up for a brick and mortar BSN program (I was an LPN at the time). Running through my head was 'OMG I'll be TWENTY...
  8. Finally pass after 7 attempts with 75questions

    There are actually stats on 'how many pass on the first try' - I just checked and for US educated grads, so far in 2018 almost 90% pass on the first try. Nothing against OP, but there are stats to...
  9. That's the point here - I'm on the side of the nurses, not the racist patients. I don't think the patient has the absolute right to request a certain race (unless perhaps with language or disparate...
  10. Non AA here but I have long hair and have seen tons of natural hairstyles that are gorgeous - the only thing I would add is that it's just like any other hairstyle - needs to be neat and not down...
  11. Cost vs benefit of BSN at middle age

    I got my BSN, MBA, and MSN all after 40 (WGU). All three degrees cost me less than 10K and I paid cash so no loans. For me it was worth it, if only as a bucket list item (the MBA) and just to keep my...
  12. WGU

    I have three degrees from WGU (MSN MBA BSN) and agree with everything meanmaryjean says. I didn't have to take the first class she mentioned because my BSN was in 2013. But other than that and the...
  13. I'm late to the party, but had to say I was a primary care nurse for the last 10 years or so in a tick infested area. I did tick checks and removed the ticks before the provider poked their head in to...
  14. MSN Reputation: WGU vs. West Coast

    OP, why are those the only two choices? You know WCU is expensive and has an iffy reputation. If you don't want to go to WGU there are TONS of other online MSN programs you can pick instead!
  15. MSN Reputation: WGU vs. West Coast

    Have never heard of a problem getting into anything post WGU - however, if you decide to go elsewhere, not a fan of West Coast - they charge an insane amount and don't have a great rep at all. There...