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All Content by GeneralDogsbody

  1. Lifting with family members

    If you lift in hospital with a non employee of the hospital and an accident happens then does that not affect the insurance? It certainly would here.
  2. Nurses Past Their Prime

    i supervise 2 nurses that i really feel are past their prime. these two nurses are older and have a lot of experience(none of which they would share with a new nurse today ) but i think that 25 years ago, they were just as mean and nasty as they are ...
  3. I should be studying right now...

    OK go and study, we'll still be here when you've finished!( Mind you I love this site as well,have been known to lurk a whole night!)
  4. LTC Smell?

    That was the place I used to work in:crying2: Until we were taken over by the don't care except for profit brigade.:angryfire
  5. I need help managing a very difficult resident!

    Oh you poor thing!!I feel for you.Demanding ,manipulative patients are a nighmare!!Do what you are doing,document,document,document.Also ,when possible have a witness in the room with you.Is there any use speaking to the relatives about her behavior....
  6. Falls

    We have ,in the past ,used bean chairs but I think these are now frowned on as well! We can use a lap strap on a wheelchair but only when the chair is moving!We have call mats but usually by the time you get there they have already fallen! When you t...
  7. Overtime

    Do you have anything like the European time directive in the US? This is something we have to sign which states wether we want to work over 40 hours(I think). If people sign this then they can work as much overtime as they can get.However there is a ...
  8. Floating Dilemna

    Gee I would look upon this as a learning opportunity!!I used to love being sent to different wards! I think the only one I didn't like was ENT but then they also had girls there who had miscarried which was very sad.
  9. Nurse bashing by UK public AGAIN

    I've had carers who speak over patients !It makes me sooo mad!No matter how many times you tell them not to (they don't do it when they are with me)I hear them when they are in rooms talking about everything under the sun and not talking to their pat...
  10. Pyridion Academy Health And Social Sandwich Program

    There's talk of us getting carers over from the phillipines.Reading these agency 'promises'makes me wonder what these carers are being promised to bring them over.They will be on minimum wage with us and have to support themselves with that.
  11. Falls

    Does he have a zimmer frame he can hold onto? We have some very tottery olds who have benefited from using zimmers or walkers.
  12. LTC Smell?

    Even though we try,some smells just seem to linger!!We have special powdered stuff that we can sprinkle on the carpets to soak up odours.We also repaint and recarpet each room when that resident departs. The main culprits are the residents who decide...
  13. Best 2 week schedule??

    I work two on ,four off in a cycle.