
medsurgrnco BSN, RN

Med-Surg, Psych

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About medsurgrnco

medsurgrnco is a BSN, RN and specializes in Med-Surg, Psych.

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  1. Patient Life Stories

    Patty Duke wrote a book about her Bipolar disorder. Other books I've read that I recommend, tho not written by people diagnosed with psychiatric disorders are: I Hate You, Don't Leave Me -- Jerold J....
  2. If you feel you need to see a therapist or psychologist to help you through this difficult time, then do it. It would look worse to your employer for you to attempt to work and not be able to work...
  3. RN wants to become a substance abuse counselor....

    With a MASTER's in Psych, you might make HALF a nurses' salary. Agree with the posters above, find a way to get your nursing salary and do some of the type of work you seem to want to
  4. For those that work off shifts

    This topic has been covered repeatedly. Suggest you do a search to read info from previous posts. When I worked nights, what worked best for me was to only sleep 5-6 hours after the last night shift....
  5. Fired recently - REALLY need advice!!!

    Many, many nurses have been fired. Some admit it on applications and in interviews, and some don't. You need to figure out how you're going to address it. You can check with HR to find out what kind...
  6. Day/Night Rotation and Sleep!

    Doxylamine is an OTC antihistamine that works for me. Try half a tab first. From what I've read, users don't complain about feeling drowsy the next day as often as users of benadryl claim. You can...
  7. Help! Am I employable? failed 6 interviews

    Since you left your 6-mth rehab job for the med-surg hospital job that didn't work out, this is what I would say in interviews when questioned about your 2 short-term positions. I'd say that I was...
  8. Most places I've worked, patients could order food/drinks and visitors could bring in food/drinks. Items not consumed at that time were kept at the nurses' station or in the pt fridge. No cans allowed...
  9. 1 RN no aid

    My suggestion - get a new job. Not only is this situation unsafe, but you are also new at nursing which makes it even more unsafe for
  10. Help! Am I employable? failed 6 interviews

    It is not unusual for a new nurse to go through a few jobs before staying in a position for a longer period of time, but you still want to limit this if possible! Downplay the short length of time in...
  11. Unethical Hiring Practices

    Agree with others, try to get your old job back. Then pursue this with the labor board and tell everyone you know about the situation. Probably not worth going after them personally, as the attorney...
  12. need info psych RN and CNS/NP

    I've learned to do my own investigation, as I've repeatedly found others tell me incorrect data. Psych nursing outside hospitals sometimes pays better than the local hospitals. And you may find that...
  13. Worried

    I think you need to explore more this hitting the wall stuff and stopping. If you decide you do have a reason to continue on, can you do an intense mental activity for hours at a stretch? Until you...
  14. What would you do?

    Since you already went to the DON once about her, and she has been at the job longer than you have, I would lay low and hope that others would voice complaints. (And if they complain to you about her,...
  15. Paranoid Schizophrenia

    Just a warning that Hollywood does not depict psychiatric disorders