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About Aggie2000

Aggie2000 specializes in ICU.

BS-Texas A&M University

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  1. Obama assists at St. Louis hospital

    Let the dog and pony show
  2. Has anyone ans. 265 ?'s for NCLEX and passed

    The staffing recruiter at the hospital I will be working at said that on any given day that the NCLEX is administered, 20% of the students will be made to take all 265 questions regardless of how they...
  3. lonestar college nursing????? best school

    :yeahthat: You can say that again! LOL! Just graduated from there in May. We probably know eachother!
  4. san antonio

    Hello, I just move to San Antonio. For neighborhoods, the areas North and Northwest are nice. I currenlty live near Evans Rd and Hwy 281, but we are bulding a home in Bulverde. For starting salary,...
  5. How long after graduation for NCLEX?

    LOL! I was just thinking about this. I just got my ATT today and scheduled my test for June 13 (yes-Friday the 13th:no:!). It was the only day available that week (wonder why-LOL!). My ICU...
  6. Amen to
  7. Pregnant, new grad ,need advice..

    Pregnancy may or may not be considered a pre-existing condition (depends on the state, hospital and insurance company). The thing that hurts you most right now is that you don't have insurance. They...
  8. Pregnant! Do I tell them at new job?

    you may need a ppd.. my hospital states they have to have one unless your most recent has been done in the last 3 months. in my opinion, be up front about it. us federal law states that pregnancy...
  9. ICU new grad survival kit!

    Thank you! I start my ICU internship in June and am excited :yeah:and terrified :uhoh21: at the same time. Any advice given is greatly
  10. Opinions?

    I agree, this area is beuatiful. I live in Smithson Valley area (north of San Antonio). This area has hills and water and is breath taking. Plus the weather is awesome. There are a lot of people...
  11. Anyone starting Tomball fall08?

    You can wear a white scrub jacket at Tomball. You just have to have the patch on the left sleeve. Be careful about too many pockets. I find that I end up filling them with tons of junk and it gets...
  12. Frustrated with BON

    I too just moved to San Antonio and am graduating from Nursing school in Houston (yes, I am commuting to finish ) in May. I have been wondering if BAMC hires non-military nurses. I have been meaning...
  13. Anyone starting Tomball fall08?

    Ahh! I forgot about that (sorry). Only one of the clinicals did that the first semester. The rest of the other clinicals were at other hospitals in Med/Surg. Not real sure why they did it that...
  14. Freaking out!!

    i took dr. greenburg. i don't think she is teaching anymore. she was great. i don't know any of the others. i really enjoyed the program. the last two semester have been a little stressful due to...
  15. Anyone starting Tomball fall08?

    We have the same scrubs as the Montgomery school (white tops with patch on left sleeve, teal pants and white shoes). Someone mentioned that Tomball spends alot of time in LTC. That isn't exactly...