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All Content by maestrotee

  1. Procedures for Admissions

    I currently work on the Medicare unit in a LTCF. We stay super busy with admissions/discharges, families, doctors, etc. Our admissions paperwork is a nightmare! I'm sure everywhere it's the same story, so, instead of whining about the problem, I woul...
  2. Procedures for Admissions

    Thanks for the replies. Sounds like I certainly have my work cut out for me if I intend to be an agent for change in this area. Your comments are very helpful. Keep 'em coming! :)
  3. Golden Living Centers

    I work for Golden Living Center and my facility, just like everything else, is just what you make of it ... and put into it. I have worked pretty hard to build relationships with my CNA's and have earned some respect with them. They work hard so that...
  4. Good luck, brokenheart! I sure hope it works out for you. I would pack my bags full of great stories to tell regarding your experience, especially in regards to assessment skills and bedside care. Then follow it up with the hospital environment just ...
  5. Interesting Article

    That was just crazy talk. I don't know what school he researched but the last two years of my life would have been a whole lot easier if I would have gone there! First of all, our classes start off right along with the RN students ... Pharmacology, M...
  6. This board deserves a sticky! :dncgbby:
  7. Male nurse looks

    hehe ... no offense, but that sounds reeeeaaaly hard to avoid.
  8. Blood Glucose Monitoring w/o Dr.'s orders

    In my understanding, blood glucose monitoring is a perfectly acceptable nursing measure to rule out hypoglycemia in a patient that might present with symptoms (non-responsiveness, diaphoresis, etc.) but a routine screening would be super easy to get ...
  9. my nursing career is gone!

    This is so obviously a hoax thread. Seriously, people, "who or what is the BON?" and "my agency pays only .59 cents over minimum wage". Don't be duped. Close this thread. Just my ...
  10. Unprofessional conduct

    Ummmm ... I'm not quite sure what this all means but, as a nurse, by what standard would you stand up for what's right even if you have to 'rock the boat'? I don't give a rat's fat behind how new someone is to the situation, these comments are repre...
  11. New Grad with only 2 Days Orientation?!?!

    Thanks for the replies. I know I will have to stick it out and one thing that I've noticed is that the things that tripped me up the first couple of days are getting progressively more routine. It just feels like every day there is that one or two so...
  12. New Grad with only 2 Days Orientation?!?!

    I just started my first nursing job two weeks ago at a LTC facility and was thrown out on the floor with 12-18 patients after only 2 days of orientation!!! I guess that the staff 'shortage' has stretched them thin and I have to be utilized instead of...
  13. Family Members

    After reading all these posts, you came around and stated the most intelligent response after all. Sounds like you nailed it right on the head. Those conversations will get easier with that little philosophy right there. A short, sweet response is...
  14. Help! This nurse is trying to eat me!

    Okay, the title might be a little misleading (and I'm sure it will probably be renamed by the administrators :icon_roll) but, if it is true that some nurses eat their young, then I might have a pretty good example here. Any advice would be helpful. ...
  15. Help! This nurse is trying to eat me!

    Thanks for the suggestion! I am going to pick that up this week. I love to read, and constructive interactions to add to my 'tool kit' for these situations are always welcome. That's what I love about this message board ... great insight from expe...
  16. What Is Your Most Gross, Yucky, Disgusting Nursing Horror Story?

    TAP Q 2 Hrs. Religiously!
  17. What Is Your Most Gross, Yucky, Disgusting Nursing Horror Story?

    Last year in my clinicals (brand new nurse here) I followed around the wound care team at a local hospital and spent a good deal of time in a sweet paraplegic gentleman's room dressing and treating his stage 4 decub that was a crater going from lower...
  18. Confidence shot down

    And then vomit on her brand new Crocs!
  19. Help! This nurse is trying to eat me!

    Shawna, your comments were so encouraging that I don't really know how to respond. Thank you. I am fairly certain that I will handle this situation with integrity, but I certainly will never be that person to anyone in the position that I am in now...
  20. I just took the NCLEX - PN, my thoughts.

    I passed! Wheeeeeeeee! My name is on the SBON website with my license number. It just turned up 20 min. ago!!!!!!
  21. I just took the NCLEX - PN, my thoughts.

    Okay, here's my rationale ... I am sure that 85 questions is definitely a good thing unless you are a complete moron. This is the logic. If your test cuts off at 85 and you fail, then basically the SBON is telling you that you could not improve you...
  22. I just took the NCLEX - PN, my thoughts.

    Good luck to you as well, Stina5812. My fingers are crossed for both of us. What a completely unnerving experience that was. One thing I can say for sure is that, on the questions that I was unsure of, I used my best nursing judgment which has pro...
  23. I just took the NCLEX - PN, my thoughts.

    Alright, I just came back from the NCLEX-PN that I took this morning. SWEET MOTHER, that was a mind bender!!! I agree that Saunders wasn't a very good help. It may have swung the vote on about 5 questions over all. There were tons of follow-up an...
  24. Did I just waste a TON of time?!

    Please forgive me if this gets a little lengthy but I will try and keep it as brief as possible. I am 38 and happily married for 7 years with a 3 year old boy with a newly diagnosed autism. I just graduated from a local school with my practical nur...
  25. Did I just waste a TON of time?!

    Having the charges expunged is something that I plan on looking into. I have heard, however, that even with the record expunged, it will always show up as an arrest with the fingerprint FBI check. Does the SBON do that for the testing? Just asking...