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All Content by maestrotee

  1. Care plans are stupid.

    That is all.
  2. Care plans are stupid.

    I do actually. Thanks! :-)
  3. Care plans are stupid.

    That is precisely my point. Thank you.
  4. Care plans are stupid.

    I am def not saying I don't plan my care. Oh, my gosh. I am planning my care every moment of the day. It's called prioritizing. A piece of paper doesn't ensure that everybody's on the same page regarding certain dx or problems. I would surely hope th...
  5. Care plans are stupid.

    What do you mean I won't have to do another one in the 'real world'? I wish. I'm an ADON in the real world at a LTC facility and I bet we spend almost half of our day staring and obsessing over these stupid pieces of paper that don't meet any specifi...
  6. "Why don't you just be a doctor?"

    I'm a male nurse. The other day, after assessing a little old lady, she squeezed my hand and smile and said' "You're gonna be a great doctor!" I thanked her and smiled. A couple months ago, I was talking with another elderly man who was asking me abo...
  7. What have other nurses done that have freaked you out?

    WHAT THE ...?!?! I think I just threw up in my mouth a little! Blechhhhh!!!
  8. Merry Christmas from...

    Merry Christmas from South Bend, IN. 40 degrees, and the snow has melted, turning my backyard into a mud pit . Good food, family, friends. Let the festivities begin!
  9. Army Nursing

    So, apparently the army is still hiring. I just got off the phone today with a medical recruiter who told me the army would give me 1900 a month to go from my ADN (licensed RN) to my BSN, and be reserve. I would love to go active duty, but I guess if...
  10. Army Nursing

    Carl, thanks for the response. There is much to consider. One of the biggest emotional factors will be going away from my five year old for a time. He is still young enough that I will feel the devastation more than he will, but it won't be forever a...
  11. Army Nursing

    gabirder, thanks for the response. Yeah, that's what the recruiter was saying, 2LT, 22 months of pay to secure my BSN. Heck, it would probably only take half that time cause I have tons of undergraduate credits already ... was a junior pursuing a psy...
  12. Army Nursing

    Oh yeah, of course that would make me a CO, commissioned officer in the end.
  13. Today I almost yacked ...

    Note to self, must have talk with family clarifying the removal of necrotic body parts ... LOL! Seriously, that is the truth! Sometimes when I look at these people's feet, wounds, whatever, I just don't think they can see the same thing I see! I wish...
  14. Today I almost yacked ...

    I have seen wounds that I could fit a small child in, cleaned trachs with caked on goodies that took an eternity to scrub clean, been witness to the olfactory insult of a GI bleed, even been vomitted on, but never felt like I was going to lose my coo...
  15. Caught stealing drugs

    Very interesting. I guess I just never did the research about that particular drug. No surprises, not the first time. Okay then, maybe my dog could benefit from it after all ... :paw: Holy cow! I just read some of the info @ and it is FILLE...
  16. Caught stealing drugs

    What? That is truly bizarre! I've never heard of anyone using tramadol to get 'high'. It's mood-altering characteristics are similar to that of a Flintstone's vitamin. Honestly, a doctor prescribed tramadol for a dislocated shoulder I had a while bac...
  17. Study Group Question - Do you think you know it?

    I have been glued to this thread for hours today. I am scheduled to test Aug 6. Been answering hundreds of questions from the Saunders review book and CD-Rom and listening to the whole Kaplan audio review course I downloaded online (probably somethin...
  18. Nurses I hate to follow ...

    I just wanted to vent a little here. I was just assigned to a floor I don't usually work and I knew that I would be spending plenty of time locating the meds on the cart, reviewing the treatments so I could manage my time, blah, blah, blah. I ended u...
  19. Nurses I hate to follow ...

    Oh, I absolutely agree with you 110%. They should not be fed or maybe it's not appropriate to give the meds. Most of these nurses would rather just not have the responsibility of simply calling the doc to ask for comfort measures and call the family....
  20. Nurses I hate to follow ...

    Looks like I sparked a lot of other horror stories with the OP. I've had fun reading them. Keep 'em comin. My little annoyances don't seem too horrible compared to some of these ...
  21. Is this even LEGAL?!?!

    Our CEO just pulled me into his office today to inform me that 'corporate' is not happy about the raise I just got 2 months ago and he has to 'readjust' my pay, giving me over 2 dollars an hour cut in pay!!! My job as a charge nurse has not changed, ...
  22. Is this even LEGAL?!?!

    To answer many of these inquiries so far, no, there was no written agreement and, therefore, most likely don't have a case. I have several months of paycheck stubs with the higher wage I have been working for, but no signed agreement. Maybe I misunde...
  23. Is this even LEGAL?!?!

    Dear, I've been a pre-paid legal member years before I got this job. My membership has nothing to do with their benefits package. They don't offer it. However, looks like my questions have been answered so I won't waste my attorney's time and mine wh...
  24. Is this even LEGAL?!?!

    Wow! This has all been a very interesting read. I already have 2 different opportunities that have been mentioned to me by individuals at other facilities (in only the past 48 hours, I might add), before I have even had the chance to update my resume...
  25. Is this even LEGAL?!?!

    That's what I thought. It sure sucks, tho. I hate looking for a job, but that is what I will be doing.