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  1. I just had to share because I am so excited

    That is great.
  2. Not to burst your bubble, but there are not jobs for new grads in the Bay Area and 6 mos is still considered a new grad. Most postings want 1-2 years minimum. It is terrible! Plus the Bay Area has one...
  3. Lactation Consultant/Specialist

    Brewer RN, I think your experience is common. I recently took a lactation workshop and noticed some of the nurses had a hard time on the mock quiz because they were answering as nurses in a medical...
  4. Lactation Consultant/Specialist

    I am sitting for the exam in less than a month. Why does the exam suck so badly? I am a new grad BSN and thought the NCLEX sucked (though got 75 Qs) so I can't imagine how the IBCLC exam is worse. I...
  5. March 2011 Test Takers Support Group

    Congrats to the good pop-uppers! Good job. Hopefully you will have official results
  6. Pearson Vue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 2

    Nclex on Friday with 75 Qs, PVT an hour later with the good pop up and the BON posted my license sometime in the night or early this morning. The trick worked for
  7. March 2011 Test Takers Support Group

    Good luck Hopeful, Notsosuper and Nursebound! I will be thinking of you and looking forward to your posts. Just saw my name posted on the BON this morning, the
  8. so i took my nclex-rn yesterday--and oh what happened?

    Sorry Nclexwarrior and Sheena. Don't give up. You can do
  9. March 2011 Test Takers Support Group

    @Hopeful310, just do it. I had to reschedule my test, and when I did, I booked it sort of far out. It just felt like it was hanging over my head. Then I impulsively rescheduled last week, when I saw a...
  10. so i took my nclex-rn yesterday--and oh what happened?

    Oh Sheena, I am sorry you didn't get the good pop up. It isn't over until it is over, though. I hope you will be the exception. Take
  11. March 2011 Test Takers Support Group

    Seriously, huh? I am not sure how I would have gotten through the last weeks, being obbsessed with testing. It helped so much to know there were others in the thick of it. Everyone else I know has...
  12. PVTis true.

    Congrats! I hope the PVT is true for me,
  13. so i took my nclex-rn yesterday--and oh what happened?

    I don't think anyone feels confident after that test. I didn't feel confident about a single answer beyond the tutorial! I took my test on the 4th, and shut off at 75, too, and am also in CA. I came...
  14. NCLEX-RN book

    These are the exact 3 I found helpful, too, though NONE had questions that were like the NCLEX. I think LaCharity's book was so helpful because I didn't get as much teaching on these topics in school...
  15. March 2011 Test Takers Support Group

    I will believe it when I see it. Hopefully soon. For now, I am acting like I passed because I need a break! If I didn't and I am heartbroken later, I will be heartbroken later. For now, it is...