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About putmetosleep

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  1. CCRN/CMC Review DVDs for sale

    Just wanted to update my original post--the CCRN materials have already been sold, but I do still have the CMC DVDs available. $50 plus shipping takes them. Let me know if you're
  2. CCRN/CMC Review DVDs for sale

    Hey everyone-- I'm cleaning house right now and rather than just throw these out I thought I would see if there are any takers out there. I have the Laura Gasparis Vonfrolio CCRN Review Cram DVDs, as...
  3. Hi everyone, I'm an SRNA with just under a year left in my program. While I think right now may be a bit too soon to begin the job hunt, I'd like to get a general idea on how to proceed and I'll...
  4. Tips for arterial sticks?

  5. Anyone have any tips for arterial sticks/a-line insertion? I have attempted a few now and let's just say...well I have not been very successful! Don't know what the issue is, even when I'm palpating...
  6. SRNA Hazing

    As a current SRNA, I can personally tell you that while it can be frustrating sometimes to be corrected on things that seem miniscule (i.e. EKG lead placement, IV taping, etc), it's important to take...
  7. NMBAs with LMAs

    A supine healthy patient, I should
  8. NMBAs with LMAs

    Thanks for the responses so far. Just to be clear, I don't lie on one side or the other on this topic. In my limited experience as a student, I haven't even used all that many LMAs yet (mostly ETT),...
  9. NMBAs with LMAs

    But why is what I want to know? Why do you feel it is unsafe/not the best practice? I agree that you shouldn't need relaxants to place an LMA, but what if you already have one in, and then the surgeon...
  10. What are your thoughts/feelings on using neuromuscular blockers during a case with an LMA in place? I know relaxants are not necessary for insertion, but are they contraindicated? I've heard yes and...
  11. Which online chemistry is best

    Hi, The final exam is not too bad. It's open book/ open notes and you are allowed 4 hours to complete the exam. It took me the whole 4 hours b/c I had to look up every answer;) I got a B in the class....
  12. Uterine atony

    Duh. Haha sometimes the most obvious answers are the hardest ones to come up with. I didn't even think about smooth vs skeletal muscle. Thanks for clearing that up for me! Can you tell that my brain...
  13. How does administering pitocin immediately after the baby is removed during a C-section really prevent uterine atony if there is neuromuscular blockade on board? Doesn't the NMBA in itself produce...
  14. Oscillating ventilation

    Can somebody please explain to me what oscillating ventilation is and when it would be indicated? I've never seen it used or used it before.
  15. Confused & don't know what to do

    Thank you so much for the Advice. Just to clarify, I have all the support I could ask for; my family & friends are behind me 100%. This is completely my own internal struggle...I'm beginning to...