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About benegesserit

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  1. Yes, it is probably normal. Places with adequate staffing don't need constant per diem coverage. When I was per diem, I usually got called once a month to arrange coverage for planned vacations and so...
  2. Falls!!!!Falls!!!!!Falls!!!!!!

    We were soooooooo skeptical when they decided to do away with alarms in my facility several years ago. But it is really much more pleasant, and I don't think falls have increased. It gets a little...
  3. Statistics course

    At the time I enrolled, Statistics had a time limit of, I believe, 5 years. So, if yours is recent enough, it should transfer. Mine was 15 years old, so it didn't... but I found the WGU version...
  4. WGU FNP

    They sent out a survey to alumni a few months ago asking about interest in FNP and DNP programs, among other things. Didn't respond, as the options they gave didn't really fit my personal situation....
  5. It's possible that this individual responded to the thread without realizing it was about a specific
  6. Slow nursing jobs? So I can go back to school.

    When I decided to apply to a Masters program, I was working in a small rural ER. There were many nights when we had *nothing*, or nearly so. I could work on outdates, stocking, or other busywork for...
  7. MSN - how long does it take?

    Because it is self-paced, "usual" isn't really an useful concept with WGU. According to the chart on their website, approximately 20% finish in 1 year, 25% in 1.5 years, 30% in two years, and the rest...
  8. Switch Shifts?

    This is very very valid. I recently switched to 5 8s, and found that, despite a pay increase, I'm earning around $1000 a month less because of lost overtime/per diem opportunities. If working nights...
  9. RN to MPH-Nursing- Where to Go?

    I looked into a public health master's options when considering which MSN to choose. I wasn't looking at quite the same thing, since I already had a BSN, but this is what I found. You've basically got...
  10. Ruined my chances of a BSN? Have to be an ADN forever??

    I screwed up my first round of university. Hasn't mattered in the slightest. I did an RN to BSN program, and am currently working on an MSN. RN to BSN programs don't tend to be particularly...
  11. Panic attacks following never event.

    Yes, we had an event at my facility - I was there that day, but it wasn't actually my patient. A co-worker took most of the fallout from the event, but I'm 100% sure the situation would have happened...
  12. I GOTTA KNOW!!!!!

    Well, combining a lasix shortage and a urinal shortage just might work
  13. RN best -BSN or RN- MSN ,FNP The quick answer is that yes, plenty of people have gone on to MSN/NP programs after WGU. You will not be coming out of it...
  14. I knew where I wanted to work. Like you, I'd volunteered in a certain setting, and that's what led me to nursing in the first place. Clinicals didn't change my mind. I found that I liked most other...
  15. I agree that contacting your BON is the answer, but keep in mind that all sorts of schools shut down - it isn't a problem limited to for-profits. The state university I'd thought about going to shut...