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About Someday_A_Nurse

Wife, mom of 2 little ones

Latest Activity

  1. Blood pressure question

    Hi there. Make sure you are at eye level with the dial. If you are sitting above or below it, it will skew your reading. If it's not that, just keep practicing and making sure you are using a quality...
  2. The most comfortable Nursing Shoes

    It has to be the new Skechers Shape-Ups. They're amazing!!! Like nothing else I've ever
  3. Rough seas ahead

    My heart goes out to you. My dad has been very ill since 8/27/08, even living with us for a few of those months. Your dad is lucky to have you. Just remember to have conversations with him that have...
  4. Which class would you recommend? Please respond!!

    I would take Medical Terminology -- but you don't have to pay for a class. I did it using a book called Medical Terminology: A Short Course. It's a self study book, and it was so interesting. Good...
  5. MATC petition process for Jan 09 students

    I cannot even believe that! So people who didn't work as hard as you are getting in? That's going to kill their reputation. I'm so glad I'm transferring. I think they're great for pre-reqs (I love...
  6. MATC petition process for Jan 09 students

    I don't understand that at all. Why wouldn't they just take the top people? Those would be the people I'd want working on me, that's for sure. I must be missing something
  7. MATC petition process for Jan 09 students

    Oh my gosh! That's terrible. Every counselor at MATC gives out different info. I am switching over to Stritch. I took the CNA course, Life Span Psych, and A&P I (II next semester), and they all...
  8. Spring 09 Hopefuls

    Here's how it works around here: Great thread, btw! Where are you applying? I applied to Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin What is your GPA and/or points for your school of choice?...
  9. worried net score

    It's such a nerve-wracking process. You're in my
  10. worried net score

    Hello! I took the NET in August. I got a 95 on the math and 70 on reading. The school I applied to has a minimum 59 and 55 score requirement, respectively. The only problem is that over 800 people...
  11. Milwaukee Area Technical College

    You also need to take (and pass) the NLN before you can get on the waiting list. Best of
  12. confused, disappointed....

    I'm sorry you're feeling that way, and I can't tell you how to feel, but nurses are fighters! Don't give up, and don't make any decisions while you're feeling this way. While your situation is not a...
  13. To the students

    I understand part of the original post, but I have a lot of disagreements with it. The big one is asking the clients about their own care. I am doing my CNA clinicals at a nursing home, and we have to...
  14. Road Blocks:Will I Ever Become A Nurse

    Namai, First of all, thanks to you and your family and the sacrafices you're making for the rest of us! I have a friend in Afganistan, and his family is having a hard time. Best of luck in school, and...