The loan repayment that you refer to is for regular direct accessions. I was referring to CRNA direct accessions who are afforded the benefit of a $100,000 education. I was in study group when I...
Bad news. The AF no longer has its own CRNA program. They depend on a precious few slots at USUHS in Maryland and at my school in San Antonio. I am attending USAGPAN in San Antonio and I'm currently...
I'm attending CRNA school and I will never see a tuition bill, it's all taken care of by my employer...the United States Army, hooah! I get paid on the 1st and 15th of every month...that's one less...
What are you talking about? I am an active duty nurse and I'm in phase I at USAGPAN/Northeastern University. My program is 30 months long, not just 2 years. The Army will not, I repeat, will not pay...
Yes, all of my exams are cumulative in nature. However, we are tested on smaller blocks of instruction so that our professors can be sure that we have a sound grasp of the material before we progress...
I used The Princeton Review. While many people prefer Kaplan, I didn't feel like Kaplan provided instructions for someone who had been out of high school over 20 years. I think that Kaplan is popular...
I know many people that got into CRNA school with GRE scores lower than yours. In fact, quite a few students in my class have owned up to having GRE scores that were Best advice, talk to a...
I agree with you about the amt of material per test. I initially thought ok this is cool, but I have paranoid classmates who are terrified by this fact. Their argument is that a 50-question test will...
Yes, I am concurrently enrolled at Northeastern University in Boston. The Army's CRNA program is partnered with NEU. However, all classes are held in San Antonio at Fort Sam Houston. Northeastern's...
MB 37, I'd like to weigh-in on your question. But, I must first qualify my remarks. I did not go thru an ABSN program. However, I cruised thru my BSN program with relative ease because of my...
Forgot to mention that my class schedule is 5 days a week. For the 12 months of didactic there are 96 scheduled exams. Yes, we were given this bit of info on day one. Army, SRNA USAGPAN/Northeastern...
Just started a front-loaded program on Monday. Class begins at 0830 and ends around 1500. According to six-week schedule(subject to change), I will be taking 2 tests each week with written papers due...
The New Orleans area is, in fact, saturated with CRNAs due to the fact that LSU and OLOL are intimate geographical neighbors. Current anesthesia students and incoming anesthesia students should plan...
Much like you, I couldn't stand being at the bedside. However, my disdain for what I was doing didn't really begin until after I found out I was accepted to CRNA school. However, I had grown tired of...
Lesser women make excuses and give up easily. I earned both of my bachelor degrees as a single mother with two very young children. I couldn't have done that without support from my mom and dad...they...