

ICU, CCU,Wound Care,LTC, Hospice, MDS

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About sharlynn

sharlynn has 43 years experience and specializes in ICU, CCU,Wound Care,LTC, Hospice, MDS.


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  1. What is the best mds cert to have?

    My employer paid for the 3 day certification course. I passed the regular MDS part, but failed Medicare. The instructor actually said "I can tell those of you who only do MDS by the glazed look in...
  2. We've taken MDS off the chart entirely. It was just too cumbersome. They are kept in file cabinets in a separate room. As for 3.0, it still has many problems in my opinion. The wound section leaves a...
  3. On quarterlies, if you go to the last section under diagnosis with the drop down boxes and list the psych diagnosis first, it will clear it from the QI/QM. If you do that on the annual, it is...
  4. MDS Coordinator sub-forum

    I am an old nurse, but new MDS Coordinator. I have a question about the pain section. Sorry, I don't know the exact section, but it has No pain, Daily pain or pain less than daily and goes on to...
  5. What does a Medicare Manager do exactly?

    Thanks! That gives me an idea of what I'd be in for! Now to decide if the extra pay is worth the
  6. I 've been offered the position of Medicare manager. Everyone tells me it's stressful, but no one can tell me why or what I would be doing. Anyone ever done
  7. Soap for Restless Legs Syndrome?

    I tried it for leg cramps after reading about it in Dr. Gott's column. I just put the soap under the fitted sheet ( no baggy). The soap moves around in the bed. I can't swear that it helps leg cramps,...
  8. *Weird* Patient Allergies

    My favorite is
  9. supplemental O2???

    Does she have sleep apnea? Just went thru this with my husband. When he finally decided to believe me and got tested, he was dropping to
  10. Check with your state. Each state has different regulations. I was allowed to in NE as an RN. Not sure about LVN,
  11. Best Holiday Gift Given by Your Hospital

    I agree! Actually , I once worked at a place that gave us a turkey. But otherwisw everywhere else, it's
  12. I've never worked anywhere that required an
  13. would you rather..

    I agree with doing what is best for you. For me, the third night is terrible. When I worked in ICU, I felt it was hazardous for the patient to have me as a nurse on the third night! I still prefer to...
  14. A question for the wound experts. :)

    In general, when a blister develops it started 7 days before. Ask yourself " where were they a week ago". If the heel is kept offloaded and the skin does not break, the fluid will resorb and the skin...
  15. Were YOU educated in nursing during the 1950's?

    Good grief! A nurse educated in th e fifties would be in her 70's now.