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All Content by dodgecl

  1. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    I was wondering about financial aid too. I submitted my FAFSA but haven't heard anything from the school. I wish I had asked more questions when I met with the advisor. I do know that the clinicals are 8 hours, not 12. I'm really hoping to get in...
  2. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    Do you work now? Have kids? Any suggestions about financial aid? I'll be quitting my job to go to school. I have a 6 month old son. Any idea what the schedule will be like? I heard the first 7 months will be a 2-day per week commitment in clinicals. ...
  3. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    I got my BS in Health Sciences on the east coast. I was in the military and moved here from the Boston area.
  4. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    I'm also on the list at Grossmont....have you had them posted on a transcript yet?
  5. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    I took English Comp with Essay and History CLEP exams. The English Comp was a pain b/c I had to wait so long for the results and I was nervous because I ran out of time on the essay. History was tough b/c I didn't know much and had to study a lot. ...
  6. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    Wannabe07--I also had to CLEP two pre-reqs. Did you have any problems "posting" them to a different schools transcript? Thanks!
  7. Oklahoma Accelerated BSN, San Diego

    Wannabe07--Thanks for the update. I hadn't heard that! Good luck...I'm sure I'll be meeting you soon.
  8. Tb

    Are you being treated for active TB or latent TB? If you received a positive skin test (above 10mm or 15mm depending on your risk group) and a negative CXR, you should be treated with 9 months of INH. This is the appropriate therapy for latent TB.
  9. Oklahoma Accelerated BSN, San Diego

    I'm anxiously awaiting to here if I've been accepted for the June class. Did anyone else apply for June? I'm wondering when the orientation will be and how long. I can't wait!!
  10. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    Good Morning, I am also applying and will be meeting with a student advisor today. I'll let you know how it goes!