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All Content by dodgecl

  1. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    It took a long time for me too. I started bugging them back in February right after I got my CLEP results. It's not a priority for them because we're not technically a degree-seeking student in their program. Good luck!
  2. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    I tried the email and contacted the IT folks. They told me to change my password first, and then log into the email. Here is the link to change the password
  3. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    I thought we had a patch on our labcoat? I thought I paid to have one sewn on.
  4. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    Thanks for sharing! I called financial aid today and they said that I wasn't in the system...I'm not sure what that means. I've emailed Kennessa but haven't heard back yet. I'm sure she'll address it this afternoon. See you later!
  5. Thanks for sharing. I start on June 2nd and am really looking forward to it! What hours are the clinicals? Can you switch with other students? My husband is deployed so I have daycare concerns. Thanks and congrats on being in your second semeste...
  6. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    I haven't received my letter yet either...
  7. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    I haven't heard about financial aid but the online health insurance waiver is available.
  8. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    I called after the Open House and they said that award letters would go out after May 1st. Hopefully we'll know by next week :-)
  9. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    I tried but it still doesn't work.
  10. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    Did you find out about the 4th/5th edition of the physical assessment book?
  11. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    FYI--I went to Quest on 4th in Chula Vista to do my drug screen. I waited for over an, if you're tight on time, you may want to pay the extra money and go to the place by Sharp Cabrillo that Phyllis mentioned.
  12. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    I did buy the 4th edition but I thought it was weird too.
  13. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    I emailed Kennessa about the insurance waiver/needlestick coverage. She said that we needed to wait for a few weeks until the "enrollment period." I'm not sure what or when that is :-)
  14. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    Yes, the clinicals are assigned. I think the shifts can be anytime...for example, 6-2 or 2-10. I've never heard of overnight clinicals for studnets. I'm sure the clinical professors would rather be home sleeping too!
  15. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    I bought some books on Amazon and they were reasonably priced. They had a lot of used books (which I like!!) The book list requires the 4th edition of the Physical exam and assessment book...on Amazon, they sell the 5th edition. I'm not sure if it...
  16. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    I thought it was good. I wish they gave us more information about the schedule. One day will be at the skills lab and one day at you think the skills lab will always be during the day? Hmm. I didn't buy the book package. I have a hard...
  17. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    Try this link...I'm not sure it will be the same booklist for our San Diego group but it may be similar.
  18. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    Is this the only orientation that we have before 02 June?
  19. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    I found an iphone to check my email...I got in too!!
  20. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    Congratulations!! Thanks for the update! Does it say when the orientation is? I can't check my email from work...ahhh.
  21. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    The wait is killing me!!
  22. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    Thanks for checking and providing the update!!
  23. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    It's nice to know that other people are waiting too!! I'm also on the wait list for City and Grossmont. If I take the TEAS, I may be able to start with them in the Fall...but, I don't want to take the TEAS if I don't have to!
  24. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    Yes, I live in Carmel Valley.
  25. Are there any Oklahoma ABSN students out there?

    I'm done with all of the pre-reqs but had to CLEP history and one english. It seems that every program has different pre-reqs....I took a speech class as a pre-req for National and won't end up going there (hopefully!)