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All Content by will18

  1. i need some advice

    Hi everythingbeth89, I'm a freshman at a university too and a pre-nursing student also. i also had a lot of classes this semester, which it's my first one too. It looks like you had a lot of major courses in one semester. Maybe you should try taki...
  2. A&P 1 Spring 08

    thanks nurz2be, when class starts in jan, I'm sure the notes will help alot, because A&P 1 is very challenging
  3. Chem Spring 2008

    I'm taking Chem in the spring. i start jan 7. count me in Can someone make this a sticky soon? thanks
  4. Fall '07 Grades!! Be Proud!!

    My first semester as a pre-nursing student went great Freshman orientation- A English Comp 1- B Biology-B Math- A Health-A
  5. Diploma nursing?

    what is diploma nursing?
  6. Will this Schedule Work???

    My schedule for next semester consists of: A&P 1 Chem 1000 Soci 2000 Spa 1152 Math 1100 I think your schedule should depend on what other activities are you going to be apart of. Such as if you work, or have a family, or anything that takes up y...
  7. A&P 1 Spring 08

    Walktheline, Hi. I'm from North Carolina.
  8. A&P 1 Spring 08

    thanks LoriS for the tip.
  9. A&P 1 Spring 08

    Hi everyone, I will also be taking a&p 1 in the spring 2008. i start in 3 weeks. i'm ready for the challege. i've gotten b's so far in all my science classes. any helpful sites anyone knows to help with studying?