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  1. I agree with the previous poster. The policy is there for a reason. One patient goes bad and you will be out of a job and risk your license. The hospital will not back you up because you went...
  2. How to help new mother who is very detached from baby

    During nursing school I remember a very similiar situation with a young mother. She was not expecting the c-section and was very sick from the general anestheisa and was experiencing a lot of pain....
  3. CockyICU,CockyER

    There are only about 2 nasty ICU nurses where I work. They have that holier than thou attitude. The rest are great. Some even will start IV meds off the transfer order for you, or make sure the...
  4. What would you have done?

    Why would people want to make the nursing staff nervous, or on edge when taking care of their family members? Do they think they will get better care by intimidating the staff? :uhoh21: If my family...
  5. What you did would be a really huge big deal where I work as well. Seems your damned if you do and damned if you don't. Good luck. You did the right thing of course. Too bad we don't have our own...
  6. Too good to aide?

    I don't think it would be a good idea for the RN to be the aide. You can never work under the level of your license so you could be held responsible for changes in vitals or conditions. For example...
  7. Beat up by a resident, what to do??

    Sorry this happened to you. I would be livid if it happened to me and I got no support from my employer. Maybe time to find an employer who cares about your
  8. The BIG word - RETENTION!!!!!

    What inspires loyalty in me is a truly flexible schedule or agreed upon hours, not being nitpicked to death over whatever is the new charting policy of the week, and having enough NA's. Being expected...
  9. The Art of Nursing

    I think nursing teaches us to quickly assess not only a patients' physical needs, but also their mental and emotional needs. Nurses need to quickly make an assessment about how to handle a patient....
  10. It depends on what they are complaining about. It it is little nit-picky stuff I apologize and ask them what can I do for them now or what can I do to make them feel better. Usually that is all it...
  11. unprofessional behavior in RN community

    Some of the nurses use the f-word when describing their day or their assignment. I have never heard any use this language in front of a patient or family. I really don't care if they do- but I...
  12. A sad and unexpected loss...

    I am very sorry about your loss. She sounds like she was a very special
  13. Procedural Question regarding Phys. orders

    If your patient has a complaint such as pain or a change in assesment then you will want to get the intern or resident. Usually they will communicate with the patient's primary physician or the...
  14. JacelRN I am sorry this happened to you. Last time we had an abusive patient the supervisor lectured us on being compassionate because the abusive patient had unresolved grief issues. :angryfire...
  15. Anybody else work with a "super nurse?"

    Not a crush- I just secretly want to be her.