buckeye rose

buckeye rose

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All Content by buckeye rose

  1. Concorde

    I believe my class was the last accelerated that did not require patho as a prereq. Although I did try to take and was told that I couldn't before I was accepted into the program at CSU-P. Funny how when I got there, there were other students that ...
  2. Concorde

    Oh Katie--you don't want to be a nurse anymore?? What changed your mind? Could it have been this last semester?? Believe me--my whole carpool was questioning it too. Hopefully this semester will be better, but WTH is up with these 2 Saturday things? ...
  3. Looking for LPN school in Colorado

    I'm in that program this year as well. Orientation yesterday and Thursday right?
  4. Any One Starting NS This Summer? Shout Out!

    I start class on Monday, just went through 2 days of orientation. 4 days a week this summer, 19 credit hours for an accelerated BSN. Nervous, scared and excited all at the same time.