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All Content by gennavieve

  1. Abandonment

    I was told by Nursing Supervisor/director that if you clocked in and then left qith no one to cover your shift it was abandonment, but if you went to your job and found you were the only one working and hadn't clocked in it WAS NOT abandonment b/c yo...
  2. LPN Starting Salary

    I am sorry I have no knowledge about St. Vincents in Queens. Wish I could help you, Gennavieve
  3. LPN Starting Salary

    Recently an Assisted Care facility!! Assisted is a relative notion where they are concerned, We have residents who do almost everything for themselves and MANY others who are almost full care, many others need to be escorted to meals, help with tol...
  4. LPN Starting Salary

    Think it is where you live, size of the facility, nusing home or hospital, Physician's office etc. I've been working for over 35 years and making 17.50 and I have a BS in Health services in 2000 but I didn't want to be administration in Nursing home...
  5. should I change jobs? (long)

    As others have stated, all jobs have good and bad points. A ospital will give you more experience, working in LTC may give you confidence as a new nurse in decision making but don't stay there (LTC) or you may lose your skills you obtained in school...
  6. Safe nurse to resident ratios in LTC?

    I have just done that!!! Am 64years old aND DECIDED IT was time to RETIRE, at least for that type nursing. I feel so guilty tho! I love the residents and have been there for 5 years, ( I know I'm insane) but I truly love the resudents and the CNA I...
  7. Safe nurse to resident ratios in LTC?

    I'm working in Indiana in a Assisted living home, that is a JOKE (Assisted), many are full care and should be in a skilled nursing home, it is for profit and for 40-43 resident there is one Nurse ( that's me) and one CNA. I pass meds 2x a ahift for ...
  8. Nurses are Pathetic!!

    :nurse:N urses aren't pathetic, they are human biengs trying their best to help people who need care ,understanding and empathy. I think it is administration and corporations that care about money and how to make the most they can. They don't care ...