
bargainhound RN

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All Content by bargainhound

  1. DON job description and responsibilities

    If you are planning on going back to school, I would advise against taking a DON position. It is very time consuming and 24/7 responsibilities. You will be responsible for making sure NH is in compliance with all state/federal regulations, making ...
  2. Extreme New Nurse Anxiety

    One thing that I learned in traveling is that there are different work ethics in different states. There are also some attitudes one state toward another. It was hard for me to cope with both of these. I guess the main thing is to know that they a...
  3. Extreme New Nurse Anxiety

    It sometimes helps to talk to a nursing friend from your old state. It can also help to talk to someone in your family, or another friend. Main thing is to just find a friendly ear of someone you trust to just listen and not be judgemental. Just get...
  4. please, need insight from those who went before me

    Oh my goodness, sorry I guessed so totally wrong........hope someone replies who knows some info to help you.
  5. please, need insight from those who went before me

    Oklahoma? Ohio?
  6. moving

    What state are you licensed in now?
  7. 9 months to plan a camera!

    It has been such an expected thing over the years that the hospital will provide pictures of every newborn, that people probably do not realize that policies have changed/or that they are imposing on you.
  8. What should I do and is it smart?

    It is okay to say you want to be experienced in different areas. Years ago, there was a nursing magazine article urging nurses to not "specialize themselves out of a job". It is good to keep yourself current in more than one field of nursing. You do...
  9. power of attorney arrangements for an older person?

    Not sure what Canadian laws are, but yes, there are POAs for legal issues and then also for medical issues..........probably varies from state to state in the US.
  10. Does anyone have a form for smoking AMA?

    Sounds like incident report is the appropriate form.......... I don't think a form could release reliability even in this situation.....but, non-compliant patient breaking doctor's orders might hold some weight.
  11. Funny quotes, comics, anything!

    Guess my suggestion is not funny. I made a poster with funny cartoons from the web for Christmas to help us lighten up at the office. You could make copies of some from the web and put them in the mugs.
  12. Funny quotes, comics, anything!

    How about this one, my personal favorite: "They may not remember what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel." I guess it is too long to put on the mug, but maybe on a little slip of paper or on a card in the mug.
  13. Legal or NOT

    Same rules apply in a prison/jail as elsewhere. Nursing is nursing. BON rules apply. They are not following proper procedure.
  14. Stress! How do you releive it?

    Whatever you enjoy. Rest. A good book. A favorite TV show. Exercise. Time with family.
  15. RN wages by state/city?™ Job Salaries & Compensation Survey Software
  16. MDI....inhalers

    I believe the info is on the side of the med canister.
  17. Question....

    Symptomatic sinus brady would be number 2 I would think.
  18. feel guilty not contributing

    Give to your own choice of charitable needs..........make yourself let go of this guilt.
  19. LTC Nurses I need some advice Please

    Also, remember that some hospital employers/decision makers consider nurses who have worked in LTC to not be "hospital material".
  20. Have you ever been sued?

    It will drive you crazy if you worry too much about this. Just practice good nursing and document to protect yourself. Always do incident reports for management if any statments are made from families or patients that they may sue. Also, carry malpra...
  21. some Q's about nursing

    "also, once im done with my prereqs, is it true that i can contact local hospitals, and they would hire me as a low level technitian and put me in one of thier alotted seats in the nursing program (assuming i sign a contract to work with them after i...
  22. Help..First Med Error

    Mistakes have even been made with picture identification.......some people look similar........or their pictures are out of date compared to what they look like at present. It is a good idea to have someone else identify in addition to the pictures. ...
  23. Should I go back tomorrow morning or not??!

    They did not live up to what they promised you. You do not owe them anything. It would be acceptable to not go back.
  24. co-worker stealing narcotics

    Keep the keys.
  25. Enraged (venting)

    Police/correction officers are taught to use reasonable force/proportionate to the followed correct procedure based on those rules. I know we are not police/correction officers, but sometimes we have to act to save/protect ourselve...