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All Content by liberalrn

  1. Shoes

    Try going to a good running store--NOT an ordinary shoe store. the people ther should be able to fit you nd tell you if you have high arches or whatever and then base your purchase on that. I have real narow feet with high arches and only my Rykas do...
  2. How 'bout a sustained release anger blocking capsule? I have seen 3 examples today of minor road rage.....maybe this pill could kick in and mellow some of these crazies out.......otherwise I have to opt for either peace or happy........ or maybe a hi...
  3. Nurse Magazine "just for men"

    Great idea, Edward, IL!
  4. Hand lotion

    LOL re: the lip gloss! Frankly, you try to come between me and my vaseline or lipstick and someone will get hurt! I think this glove degradation is an urban myth--you wear the gloves for like 10 minutes, tops. I re and reglove due to soiling or sweat...
  5. Wierd Question.

    She says that nursing is for women. All she thinks that nurses do is clean crap, puke, and gather up piss from each patient and to get yelled at by doctors. What did she do? Read the prospectus? lol. Well, she has some valid concerns, but she also d...
  6. Hand lotion

    We have that policy at our hospital and we "malcontents" bring our bootleg lotion in and hide it in our illegal substance of choice at the moment is Eucerin cream--very good. the pseudomonas story is something to consider, but we are ta...
  7. Wierd Question.

    Why are they so against it? Is it considered a female task or is it a different issue? I'm curious. I work in the chicago metro area and we have lots of Filipinos, male and female. Lots of male nurses--white, African, African-American, Filipino. I's ...
  8. Another drag on our social system...

    fab4: How's it going? haven't seen you at the regular stomping me (I figured out how to do it!) if you sorry about all this cr*p you're going thru......
  9. Dealing with the Prejudiced (long post:sorry)...

    Wow! We live in such an interesting world, no? You're sick and scared that it may be an MI or CA and you have time to pitch a fit about what color/ethnicity/sex orientation/gender your nurse is? I will never have that kind of time......People sure be...
  10. Circumcision Debate

    Wow! What a hornet's nest! Let's see--I was taught that the rate of penile CA in uncircumised males was like a gazillion times higher than non--basically you would only get penile CA if you weren't circed. I also remember learning about the cervical ...
  11. How much do you make?

    RN for 16 years (on and off-just back for last 2 years after 7 off) 2 years as staff nurse (24 hours/week; 48/ pay period) Stepdown unit (transitional icu) $26.28/hr w/ shift diff. of $1 more 3-11; $2 more 11-7 (so how come we work 12 shifts? mmh.......
  12. Who is REALLY GOOD with needles?

    Sounds like you got some great advice on this thread. May I add one more thing? Please ask your instructor to teach you and your class on the appropraite Z-track technique...... for iron shots, it's the only way to go. I have seen the permanent marks...
  13. Lots of replies! I don't think more moola is the only answer. I have read the word respect alot in almost every post. I agree, we need more respect as a profession and as individuals. MY wish is that my admin. would actually see me as a person--an i...
  14. How do you handle "the unhappy MD"?

    I agree with the 1st post, but I will admit that I jump to, "This is the problem and I need orders." fairly quickly with some docs. And then I shut up. Usually they just start reeling them off. I once had a doc tell me (in ICU) that he was taking hi...
  15. Doctor Asked For A "Kind" Nurse

    Wow! What a thread! I have learned alot--many thanks to fab4 and Vegas and everyone. This may be a day late and a dollar short, but several days of posts ago, people were posting about rods and staffs and discipline etc. FYI:disciple and discipline ...
  16. Doctor Asked For A "Kind" Nurse

    Hey fab4! Nice to see you here! All I can say is that that is what happened. I couldn't make the woman understand that she had no milk b/c she was near death. No slam intended! She was the palest woman I have ever seen ( and I have vitiligo!).
  17. Weird pt complaints

    These are a riot! I had a dad once bring in his 4 y/o--tylenol OD. True question: "How come he doesn't have a fever?"
  18. Doctor Asked For A "Kind" Nurse

    Wow. How incredibly sad. The doc's remark was uneccessary. I had a female pt. once who was 1 day post partum, readmitted d/t hemorhage--incomplete placenta. Her hgb upon admit was 4. She was a JH. We did supportive care in ICU, post-op. Her biggest c...
  19. "Can you see the little piggies..."

    Here we go again! Corporate morals is an oxymoron.
  20. Work frustration poll

    I wanted to put all of the above, but it wasn't an option. co-workers would be last on the list, because I feel we are all privates in this trench warfare job. Admin.--definetly a problem. Patients and family are number 2! why do some act as if they'...
  21. If not nursing, what?

    Writing, medical school if I wasn't middle aged with kids and 2 mortgages, theater, law school, spiritual path of some kind (seminary?) ANYTHING other than this. Practical today possibilities include cashier at Target, freelance writer, day care, sub...
  22. Clairol commercial misrepresents nurses

    When will our image ever change? It must serve some other purpose for the collective conscous.......
  23. I'm embarrassed to admit this....

    I've found that lab values w/o a context are meaningless to me... I try to ask about the disease process w/ the docs to fully understand the labs...Funny story. Came on one AM, night nurse (very picayune, always telling other nurses how they could ha...
  24. Worst nursing proceedure ever....

    Whoa-that last post just about did it for me! How about those pts who do physchological torture on you? You know, the alert pt who is on the light constantly. pressing it as you exit the room.....asking you to move their Kleenex box 2 cm to the left....
  25. Nursing Staff Turnover

    Wow, he sounds like an able administrator! wish I could work w/ him. I agree in principle w/ all that he is saying, but I would pass the buck a little further up the hierarchy.....DON or VP nsg is where the major policy decisions are all s...