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All Content by newnurseheadache

  1. Hi- Thanks in advance for reading and responding! I am a new grad doing orientation on a stepdown unit. Her is an example of a typical day: On my 4th clinical day I was given 3 of my preceptors patients and she took the one patient that was being dis...
  2. Really need your help- dysrhythmia exam

    Hi everyone. I am new to this forum but have been reading the forums for 1.5 years now. You guys are awesome and really helped me with passing the nclex!! I just started a job in critical care and am scheduled to take a dysrhythmia exam in 1 week. I ...
  3. Really need your help- dysrhythmia exam

    i mean .02! sorry:uhoh21:. i havent been using calipers but will go out today and get them. i do need to be more accurate with the rate so therefore i'm using the method i wrote. i use the method of counting the number of qrsx10 for irregular rhythms...
  4. Really need your help- dysrhythmia exam

    To measure HR I divide the number sm. boxes between 2 rr intervals by 1500. However, I often include 1 extra box or exclude 1 box because I'm not sure when to include boxes thatre half filled with the qrs complex. Same with pr and qrs- I most of the...