
pinkroyalty18 LPN, LVN

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  1. No Nursing Positions

    culturally,yes..We are not argumentative in nature and its a taboo to argue publicly but lemme be an exception to that...i know a LOT of Filipinos here are just lurking,probably having some headache...
  2. No Nursing Positions

    after months of hibernation,i have to speak up.... seriously,why is is that the same people here are talking about the same thing over and over against Philippines? dont you ever get tired with your...
  3. I promise not to bother myself anymore with this but i'll break it just this once:coollook:.... GEEeeZZZZz,are we still talking about the same thing over and over again here??? is it just me who gets...
  4. Topic of the Day: GO AWAY FOREIGN NURSES!

    If there is a questionable post you should report it. I've never seen moderators let a offensive post slide when it's been reported. Not sure about the International forum but the Politics forum gets...
  5. Topic of the Day: GO AWAY FOREIGN NURSES!

    Well I suppose its no longer necessary that I shall include the username. I dont want to because I still have some respect for him. But the thread can be found in the philippine forum-the american...
  6. Topic of the Day: GO AWAY FOREIGN NURSES!

    hhmm personally i find this statement offensive..I dont know with other filipinos..But for the sake of giving an example,let's try this.. when i went to recent vacation in philippines ... i found out...
  7. Topic of the Day: GO AWAY FOREIGN NURSES!

    the issue here is NOT really about foreign nurse vs. americans. Our grievances are not directed to ALL americans but to certain posters in this forum. let me be just clear on that.I do not even care...
  8. Topic of the Day: GO AWAY FOREIGN NURSES!

    Thanks yogi for posting this.. We have the same sentiments..I plan to post something like this but i was afraid to do so ..Coz i noticed that once a foreign nurse (or filipino nurses to be more...
  9. Interesting facts on legal immigration

    :chuckle the diagram is
  10. Has Philippine nurse training changed over the years?

    Don't dream for something that you're not, or for something that you can't just be and who are you to say that philly? Just because you are now an "american" and gradauted as a "cum laude" and as a...
  11. Has Philippine nurse training changed over the years?

    Yes,philly. Was there a different assessment/qualification during your time that you have to undergo before going to
  12. Has Philippine nurse training changed over the years?

    I'm just wondering and I have no intention to get into a fight..This might be somewhat off the topic but I don't want to make a new thread.So i understand if moderators will delete this... BUT......

    that's what happened to the nursing program in our school in the early 90s..even though they are performing well(at least for Philippine standards), they have to stop the program since many of their...
  14. It is no longer the responsibility of the student nurses to fill in the places of staff nurses if they are lacking... She should have hired more staff and not just rely on student nurses to fill in...
  15. dreams dying

    Another possible contributory factor to the current problems of the nursing profession is the "choosiness" of a lot of the unemployed licensed nurses. The POEA has said it has unfilled job orders of...