so alive LPN

so alive LPN

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  1. new grad in Chicago area

    Have You Tried RIC (Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago)? They usually hire a LOT of new grads. Best of
  2. Have you been assulted as a nurse?

    I have been assulted, verbally many times, but only once physically. I was drawing labs and the guy punched me in the face as soon as I got my flash. this was on a med-surge floor. Incident report...
  3. LTC/rehab facility: ?'s --LPN Scope of Practice

    When I worked agency(and went to LTC facilities) the following applied at every single facility I went to: 1. Yes 2. Yes. Especially on NOC, when there was no RN. 3.No As far as double-checking...
  4. How do you treat headaches?

    for the most part on our m/s floor, we give 1 L NS bolus with 5 of valium, 25 of demerol, and 25 of phenergan (all IV). I know it sounds like a boat load of narcs, but it really helps 99.9% (or the...
  5. You know your pt is a jerk if........

    lol that's when i would have said "it rubs the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the foley
  6. What would you have said to this CNA

    I have to tip my hat off to you, because you kept your cool in a situation like this. I don't think I could have ( no, wait...I COULDN'T have) tolerated this. I would have marched with her to the NM...
  7. Age to become a CNA?

    16. thats it, just 16. Look at the KBON
  8. How about...GO TO BED!!! It's 0300 and you're ringing out for the most mudane things. No, I will not call the MD at this hour to get an order for protonix. You had it in the hospital before? And...
  9. Medicine disposal

    Where I work, capsules and pills go into the sharps box, and liquids go down the
  10. How about Tx nurse? Responsible for some pt care, but not taking a full assignment. And, unless a Tx must be done at a certain time, she would have the full shift to get her job done. just my
  11. Looking at Chicago Hospitals...

    Have you though about pediatric rehabilitation? RIC (the rehabilitation institute of chicago) is always looking for peds nurses for the
  12. VENT!! Called off and labeled "No Call No Show" LOOONG...

    Now THAT'S an
  13. I am a very young nurse. Will my patients be frightened?

    honey, go for the GOLD! I was an LPN at 21, and it didn't really bother people. As long as they see and can tell you are qualified, you'll have no problems! And KUDOS to you for becoming a nurse at...
  14. VENT!! Called off and labeled "No Call No Show" LOOONG...

    Just to update: I went in for my 7a-7p shift, and talked to the house sup and nursing director. It was a misunderstanding, and they didn't even want to hear the voicemail! I made it VERY clear...
  15. VENT!! Called off and labeled "No Call No Show" LOOONG...

    Thank you. In no way will I fall for this. My hospital isn't part of a union. I'll let you guys know what happens tomorrow. I'm doing 7a-7p tomorrow so that everyone will be there and they can say...