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All Content by Rexie68

  1. Ending the PPS MDS?

    not sure if it's different in other states, but most of the time our docs have no clue whether or not someone is med a until we have them sign the certs, and they don't have any say in ending skilled coverage. we don't get an order to end skilled co...
  2. Off Cycle Quarterly

    instead of an "off cycle quarterly"-whatever that is-we do early annuals to capture higher rug levels. this does restart the 92 day assessment clock. in pa, only annuals count toward rug/cmi levels, so we have to do a full assessment to capture the...
  3. Turned in my Resignation

    Not only the end of the month, but November 1st was a picture date (if that matters in your state). They'll regret it, but it will be too late. How surprising.
  4. Do things fall apart when you take time off?

    wow noc4senuf, sounds like you need a new mds coordinator! our don knows how to submit, but doesn't do so unless there's extenuating circumstances, and any modifications/inactivations are done by us. you have quite a bit on your plate! i don't bel...
  5. Curious again!

    The other thread was closed after the issue was resolved with the site spelling concern. So.....edhcinc....what were you saying about 3.0 that would be the laugh of the century?
  6. Do things fall apart when you take time off?

    yup, things fall apart when i'm off, too....but not like that. just that mds' get way behind, and care plans don't get done till i'm back. heck, just trying to keep up while taking full time classes is making my workload all but impossible. i'm gla...
  7. x1 rn for 46 patients in nursing home

    i worked 11-7 for 14 years. my pt load varied from a low of 20 (wow was i spoiled!!) to a high of 100. average about 50 pts, but there were many nights with more. somehow i managed to do it and take good care of my pts. good cna staff is the key,...
  8. Nursing Theory: Are these folks crazy?

    advanced standing and credit by examination for lpns a licensed practical nurse who is admitted to the penn state program as an associate degree in nursing candidate is eligible to earn credit by portfolio for up to 8 credit hours of nursing course w...
  9. i'm just absolutely thrilled and realize how very lucky i am to be in the program i'm in for my rn. we had to write care plans last year, but don't this year....hooray!!! now, our clinical instructor will ask us for a nursing dx, goal, intervention...
  10. catching up.... ccmermaid, we usually agree, but when you wrote "can't even sign the r2b." it offended me a bit. i know i'm not an rn and can't sign the r2b (yet....220 days until graduation!!) but i work in a 139 bed facility, do all of the mds'......
  11. Turned in my Resignation

    i couldn't even imagine trying to work the floor in addition to your own work schedule. doesn't management understand that you are responsible for making sure things get done right for reimbursement? usually money talks...... in addition to that, i...
  12. LPN to RN how long can you wait?

    Sorry for not explaining. Credit by portfolio just meant that I'd been an LPN for more than 5 years and had worked at least 1000 hours/year during that time. If it had been less than 5 years, I would have been awarded the credits from classes at my...
  13. LPN to RN how long can you wait?

    Gosh, I've been an LPN for 20 years, and I CLEPPED, was awarded credit by portfolio for two others, and tested out of PEDS and OB. Penn State wasn't concerned about how long I've been out of school, as long as I know what I'm doing!
  14. Help with HESI EXAM

    Pardon my ignorance....what is a HESI exam? Is it like an ATI exam? Thank you.
  15. what was the biggest adjustment from LPN to RN?

    I'm 236 days away from graduation LPN to RN. I've been an LPN for 20 years and finally went back to school. For me, the biggest difference is critical thinking skills. The classwork and clinical aren't difficult, though certainly exhuasting while ...
  16. Reference Materials For Peds/OB/Geriatrics

    I was able to test out of OB and Peds by studying ATI books and NCLEX review books. Geriatrics is my specialty, so that was easy. Just do a lot of practice questions. Good luck!
  17. Nursing Theory: Are these folks crazy?

    just wondering why you had to take fundamentals? if you're already an lpn, you should get credit for that! i'm 248 days away from graduation from penn state university, and they gave us lpn's credit by portfolio for nursing 111 and 112 and let us c...
  18. Yall will think that this is stupid....

    *smile* monthly staff meetings? we don't have staff meetings very often....and even when we do.....not much seems to apply to the me, as an mds nurse. it's usually teaching the floor nurses basic things that i thought they already knew (yes, you c...
  19. how do you divide the load?

    we have 139 beds, same medicare/skilled load as you....anywhere from 20-40 skilled at a time. 1 rnac and myself, the lpnac. i do all the mds'......medicare, hmo, annual, significant change, quarterly, omra...and write all the nursing care plans. i...
  20. Anyone using Care Tracker and will it change with 3.0?

    You (or whoever your facility chooses should have access to that function) can edit just have to put in the reason you're editing it. I only do that when it's a very obvious error, such as a double amputee ambulating, or the alert reha...
  21. Anyone using Care Tracker and will it change with 3.0?

    we use caretracker, and it has definitely helped adl coding. since the staff can't see what the person charted before them, they can't just fill in the blanks by rote...they have to answer the questions independently. it isn't foolproof, of course,...
  22. Signing Assessments, is this wrong?

    i think i mentioned how we do it at my facility in another post, but i'll repeat here. i know that some disagree with it, but umr and doh have never had a problem. we date the working copy for the day we do it; our assistant enters the info into th...
  23. July Update: MDS 3.0 Implementation Timeline

    i just see the raps as unnecessary. i already know what needs care planned, and constantly typing in the whereabouts of the documentation (which never changes..."7 day assess, nn, caretracker" for my sections etc) seems quite redundant. i'd rather ...
  24. July Update: MDS 3.0 Implementation Timeline

    keeping my fingers crossed that the raps won't be included in 3.0. i participated in a cms survey that asked our opinion on raps, and i strongly expressed my dislike for them. hopefully not seeing them now is a good omen for the future!! :typing
  25. OH OH! Heres the question I wanted to ask for the day....

    .....and then they'll change the :banghead:rules.....