

OB, Telephone Triage, Chart Review/Code

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About webbiedebbie

webbiedebbie has 22 years experience and specializes in OB, Telephone Triage, Chart Review/Code.

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  1. Would you do this?

    Sorry, I'm "by the book" also. Its too bad the doctor doesn't want to be called for things like this. It is their responsibility to write the orders and I think too many MD's do not "pay attention...
  2. Nurses unemployed what is happening out there???

    Well, unfortunately, I am considered "remote" which means like "contractual" employee and they don't have to offer insurance or other benefits that
  3. Nurses unemployed what is happening out there???

    I was laid off from a full-time telephone triage job 4 years ago. I could only find a part-time telephone triage job. I need benefits! I also was able to collect unemployment. I found a position...
  4. Why Did You Choose Telehealth Nursing?

    I have been a registered nurse for 21 years. I chose telehealth nursing because 12-hour shifts were too much for me. I love the work but it depends on the company you work for. I started in a call...
  5. New at prior authorizations

    Thanks for responding so quickly! I understand your reasoning for using
  6. New at prior authorizations

    I just accepted a position and have been exposed to prior authorizations. I knew about them but never had to do them. Anyone have information that might help me? I was given 4 to do and I felt like...
  7. Bad economy effecting triage nursing?

    I was laid off by a major company 04/2009. Telephone Triage can be expensive, so it is one of them to
  8. telephone triage

    McKesson has been laying off since April
  9. I am so excited about this!!!!

    UPDATE: My dream job was cut last April (2009) due to the economy! Other companies I have looked into do not compare. I am having to do telephone triage with a smaller company
  10. "All I wanna know is What Medicine to take"

    We know, as nurses, it is our reponsibility to teach....but when your company tells you that you don't have time to do that, just get yes or no answers and give a recommendation and end the call...
  11. Lethargic a word to remove from Callers vocabulary

    Yep, have to take time to clarify lethargic, which eats into my call time....mostly I say "limp like a rag doll" to give them a better picture of what it means and they come back and say "oh no, he's...
  12. Stepford Wife Triage Nursing

    Mike, I agree with you. Protocols are guidelines, but some companies use them as carved in stone. I have to use a book of protocols and have to document which one I used (sometimes, I've had to use...
  13. I miss L&D

    I, too, miss L&D. I was trained right after nursing school in a small hospital with 4 LDR's. My husband and I moved to another state and I immediately began working L&D in a teaching...
  14. Vag exams with sterile gloves or regular gloves?

    My daughter is 39 wks pregnant and was seen by her midwife. I was there and noticed that she pulled a nonsterile glove from a box and checked her. I asked her why and she said if she wasn't...
  15. QA for home based RN

    If you type in Telephone Triage, you should get a listing of a lot of companies. I was laid off from a company 04/2009. Since then, I have found many companies (most do after hours and pediatrics)...