

ER, OB/GYN, Womens Health

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About Roozeyk

Roozeyk has 29 years experience and specializes in ER, OB/GYN, Womens Health.

Married. Finally graduated from RN program in December of 2010. LPN for 27 years,

Latest Activity

  1. 1-1 ratio for nurses

    Are there units that still have one to one nurse/patient ratios, or have they long gone to the
  2. Roll Call, LPN to RN Students!!!

  3. Roll Call, LPN to RN Students!!!

    :w00t::w00t:48 years old...have been an LPN for 27 years (holy cow)..currently attending the first semester of a Bridge Program...hope to graduate December 2010.. Currently work as an LPN in a Level...
  4. Wondering if 50 is too old to go to RN school

    I'm 48..just started the Bridge Program a couple of weeks braces on my teeth this past God willing, by Dec '10..I'll graduate from college, get my braces off and then I'll have...
  5. LPN Wages

    After 20 years of experience as an LPN in a various number of areas/ in MO, the pay is around 10-13 in clinics, 15-17 in Home Health, 12-18 in Hospitals (plus shift diff, and 15-25%...
  6. I've always wanted to work on the OB ward..

    I worked in a small town hosptial too a few years back, and as an LPN, I did everything the RN's did (with the exception of pushing IV meds). I did L&D (actually delivered one baby that decided...
  7. All I can say is, if you are an LPN/LVN for more than 5 years, then there is no such thing as an LPN-RN one year bridge program, and I wish the programs would just say that up front when they are...
  8. Great Hesi A2 Practice Site

    Thanks for the post!
  9. The most an LVN can make hourly

    3 years ago when I lived in Phoenix, AZ there were some LPN's making 43/hr. They were working weekend/night shift/high risk areas through an agency. It was probably without any bennies. Where I...
  10. LPN or RN

    I've been an LPN for 26 is my advice to you...if you have the time and the means...just do the RN and be done...that way say 5-10 years down the burn out on hospice...there...
  11. I'm not so sure I believe all the hype about there being a nursing shortage or the medical field is going to see a shortage of a bazillion qualified nurses over the next 5 years and on and on and...
  12. Is there a special certification that LPN's can take to be able to push IV
  13. Know hospitals that pay for school?

    Cox Hospital in Springfield, MO. has a program, it doesn't pay for your whole schooling but it helps a little, and you work for them in return. Also check out the Missouri Forgiveness Loan Program,...
  14. Kicked out of LPN Program

    OK, now.....why, would you give up a 75,000 a year job to become an
  15. After you complete all your courses and pass the CPNE, but have not yet taken state board exam, are you considered a GN and can practice as one until you take the exam and find out if you pass or not?...