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  1. trouble pronoucing some medical words

    Hello! http://www.thefreedictionary.com has the option to hear how the words are pronounced. Hope that
  2. Anyone going to Haiti?

    http://www.imrhq.org/index.cfm?page=home If you're interested in volunteering in Haiti, check out this
  3. Anyone going to Haiti?

  4. Anyone going to Haiti?

    God bless all of you guys for wanting to help! My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families! I was reading CNN and I came across this article:...
  5. Congrats to all of you on getting accepted into the ABPNN program! I wish you all the best of luck! I recently came across U of R's ABPNN program on the website and I'm really interested in it. I'd...
  6. UMass Boston Accelerated BSN 2009

    Hello all! Unfortunately I got the dreaded letter earlier this week as well. But from everything I've read in the last few posts, a letter of rejection from UMass may not be such a bad thing. As...
  7. UMass Boston Accelerated BSN 2009

    Wow! They sure are moving right along with this whole process. I'm surprised to see that nobody else has posted anything about getting an interview.
  8. UMass Boston Accelerated BSN 2009

    caroline82, Thanks for your words of encouragement! And yes I really do wonder who these brilliant people are! If I miraculously get a spot in the program and get to meet these brilliant people, I'll...
  9. UMass Boston Accelerated BSN 2009

    caroline82, OH MY GOD! I am terrified now! I guess I should really prepare myself for the worst! Because from the looks of it, the chances of me getting in are very slim! If they didn't want someone...
  10. UMass Boston Accelerated BSN 2009

    pinkemme, Btw, does the admission decision on the website get updated? Did yours change? I keep checking it and there's no change!
  11. UMass Boston Accelerated BSN 2009

    pinkemme, Thanks for the little blurb! I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens! Hopefully it's good news! pristock230, Sounds good! I'll be looking forward to your post!
  12. UMass Boston Accelerated BSN 2009

    pinkemme, Thanks for the quick reply! And oh my god!!! I can't believe you got denied admission! I am so sorry to hear that! I'm a strong believer of "everything happens for a reason", so maybe this...
  13. UMass Boston Accelerated BSN 2009

    one more thing! pristock230, If you go to an info session, it would be MUCH appreciated if you'd post any information you get! Thanks!!
  14. UMass Boston Accelerated BSN 2009

    pinkemme, What did the coordinator tell you when you called? And have you called again? I still haven't heard back from the school! I'm getting a little nervous! I want to know what's going on!...
  15. UMass Boston Accelerated BSN 2009

    DiDi25, You said you are scheduled for an interview for the second week of March..I was wondering for exactly what program that is for. Is that for the Accelerated BSN 2009 program? I haven't heard...