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About shlay51

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  1. Doctors Say the Darnedest Things

    Working in LTC the ladies go to "beauty shop" every Wednesday. On resident "had" to get a perm and due to this missed a breathing treatment that couldn't be given because her next scheduled one was...
  2. How often do you deal with combative patients?

    You can and will come across combative patients in almost all areas. I currently work in LTC and we have a few residents that are known to be combative. I had one resident, who is now somewhere else,...
  3. Applying for jobs from out-of-state

    I've had decent luck applying through multiple routes but the best responses have come from jobs I've applied for through hospital sites. It's a big waiting game when you are applying out of state. It...
  4. MDS in LTC salary

    I actually didn't apply for the MDS position I currently have. I interviewed for a floor nurse position. When they offered the MDS position to me instead the difference in pay I think was $2-$3 more...
  5. MDS in LTC salary

    $44/HR?! I would love that! In in WI and only make just over
  6. I had the DON point out that a resident is on PRN Compazine and was questioning why we haven't done a TD screen on him. When I took over my position from the previous person I was told only one...
  7. Restorative right or wrong??

    I'm new to MDS, only been doing it since November. The administrator wants to completely revamp our restorative program. I'm not sure if I would even call what we have a program. I would be playing a...
  8. Relocation Advice?!

    I'm not sure what you consider safe transportation to any job when you have multiple layers of freezing rain and snow. And if someone has never driven in that type of weather it can be pretty scary....
  9. Relocation Advice?!

    South FL is truly a world all it's own. Been there a few times and have some friends from there. I think it boils down to what you think is best for you, neither move will be easy, but sometimes we...
  10. Relocation Advice?!

    I'm currently in WI, hoping to move to SW FL. I understand your struggle. I live in a small town with limited options unless I want to drive 45+ miles and in the winter that isn't always ideal. I...
  11. I worked for a year in LTC after I graduated then went into private duty/home health. I spent close to 4 years doing that. In August I graduated with my BSN and decided it was time for a change. I...
  12. Bayfront Health

    I think I will stay clear of Bayfront in Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda. I was told the other locations weren't bad...Tampa, St. Pete, etc. I'm pretty certain I'm going to have to look a little...
  13. Help Please,How to Become Private Duty Nurse!!!!

    I currently work as a PDN through an agency and prior to working with an agency I was a self employed PDN. i would highly recommend going through an agency. I wasn't too involved in all the paperwork...
  14. Go to | Nursing News, Jobs, Continuing Education and you can find the required classes you need for you FL license and as long as you register on the site they will automatically report them...
  15. Bayfront Health

    I'm looking into applying at Bayfront Health in Punta Gorda and/or Port Charlotte. I currently live in WI, but hope to move to FL soon (this winter has really been brutal). I was posting on a...