Virgo_RN BSN, RN

Cardiac Telemetry, ED

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All Content by Virgo_RN

  1. Virgo_RN


    I could not agree with this more. Sometimes, being the patient advocate means saying no. No, you can't have anything to eat or drink. I know the morphine is giving you cotton mouth, but you need surgery for that open tib/fib, and so I cannot let ...
  2. Virgo_RN

    When you take over a patient assignment....

    Our handoffs consist of a verbal report and include what has been done and what still needs to be done. In this instance, there was no mention of the diltiazem gtt order, even though it had been written an hour before I took the patient assignment. ...
  3. Virgo_RN


    Alcohol withdrawal can kill a person. Opiate withdrawal is rarely fatal. We have a lot of patients with chronic pain who have medication agreements on file. This is a contract that specifies what medications they will be prescribed, the amount, and...
  4. Virgo_RN

    pain meds

    I'd give the morphine AND the Motrin. I'd also try heat and cold therapy if not contraindicated.
  5. Virgo_RN

    how much time did you study a day in nursing school?

    All I did for 2 years solid was study, sleep, work, and go to class.
  6. Virgo_RN

    When you take over a patient assignment....

    All points well taken. I think I may have combined two separate issues in my original post. One issue is with the performance of another nurse, and yes, I agree this is best handled directly with the other nurse, if I care enough about it to take h...
  7. Virgo_RN

    question answered

    In a circumstance like this, I would allow the aide to chart their VS, then follow up and recheck in a few minutes and document those results. I would chart "Temp rechecked at 1615 by RN, 36.8." or "Pulse rechecked at 1615 by RN, 68BPM at rest." or...
  8. Virgo_RN

    question answered

    This is why you follow up on any abnormal VS and document your assessment, intervention, and the patient's response in your narrative. The doctors are supposed to read the nursing notes, too.
  9. Virgo_RN

    question answered

    The aide is correct to document the vitals that she obtained. As the RN, you are responsible for following up on any abnormal VS, and to document your assessment, interventions, and the results. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing this in ...
  10. I'm drawing up your 2mg of Dilaudid for the headache you have, and now you're asking for a snack. So which is it? The Dilaudid or the snack? Cause there's only one of me, I don't have a tech, all he** is breaking loose, and I don't have time to ca...
  11. Virgo_RN

    Nurses that you remember

    Thank you for sharing, Snoopy. How incredibly different your experience of nursing has been from mine! I really enjoyed reading your post.
  12. Virgo_RN

    sticky instructor situation

    I agree, keep your head down and out of whacking range, get through school, and then if you still want to follow through, then go ahead.
  13. Virgo_RN

    So disappointed with the care....

    I don't even know what to say. It certainly does sound like substandard care. I hope things start looking up for your Grandma soon.
  14. Virgo_RN

    Rules for the ER (long)

    Just because you say "please" and "thank you" does not make your incessant, needy requests any less annoying.
  15. ....and thank you for cementing my doubts. :)
  16. You know, OP, the more you respond in such a defensive way, the more I am convinced that maybe nursing isn't for you. I rarely say that to anyone, as I think nursing is big enough for many different personality types, but I'm observing enough of a l...
  17. Nobody here has mentioned perfection as being a prerequisite for nursing. However, I do think that a little humility can go a long way, and until you get *your* attitude under control, you are in for some tough lessons, should you choose to pursue a...
  18. Virgo_RN

    b/ps were again?!

    None of the nurses can palpate a popliteal pulse on either lower extremity? If so, this would be an assessment finding appropriate to report to the physician.
  19. Virgo_RN

    b/ps were again?!

  20. One needs to learn the rules before they know if and when it is appropriate to break them. In nursing school, breaking the rules will cause you problems, up to and including the potential for dismissal from the program. In the real world, you'd b...
  21. Virgo_RN


    Think of it this way. Being a diabetic educator requires the ability to establish a rapport and gain the trust of those who you are attempting to educate. There is nothing quite like sticking someone with an IV catheter or sticking a rubber tube up...
  22. Virgo_RN

    another year older.....

    Wait...didn't you just get divorced, or am I thinking of someone else?
  23. Virgo_RN

    Transition from Student to RN

    Visit the "First Year After Licensure" forum here at AN.
  24. Virgo_RN

    Do You Remember Your Patient's Name?

    When I worked the floor, I was much better at remembering names. In the ED, they come and go so quickly, names often don't stick.
  25. Virgo_RN

    need tips for easier NG placement

    They do get easier. You've gotten some great advice. Good luck!